
Crustáceos estomatópodos, anfípodos, isópodos y decápodos del litoral de Quintana Roo

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El proyecto que ahora se presenta, pretende integrar un inventario preliminar de los crustáceos estomatópodos, peracáridos y decápodos de la planicie costera y el litoral de Quintana Roo, a través de la revisión y determinación de los ejemplares depositados en la Colección Nacional de Crustáceos del Instituto de Biología, UNAM. El material de estudio proviene de dos programas de muestreo realizados en la costa de dicho estado (incluyendo recolectas en las Islas Mujeres y Cozumel), durante los años de 1985 a 1990. En el primero de ellos se efectuaron capturas de crustáceos intermareales en 32 puntos que abarcaron desde Puerto Juárez en la porción norte hasta Playa Cocos en la Bahía de Chetumal. El segundo programa se desarrolló en 1990 durante la expedición de aguas profundas que realizó la Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution frente a la costa quintanarroense. Con estos crustáceos se integrará una base de datos con más de 1,500 registros, pertenecientes a cuatro órdenes, más 40 familias, más 100 géneros y alrededor de 150 especies.

Reino: 1 Filo: 1 Clase: 1 Orden: 4 Familia: 63 Género: 121 Subgénero: 2 Especie: 237 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 3


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'Álvarez-Noguera F. y J. L. Villalobos-Hiriart. 2002. Crustáceos estomatópodos, anfípodos, isópodos y decápodos del litoral de Quintana Roo. Instituto de Biología. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO, proyecto S079. México, D. F.'



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Occurrence; Invertebrados; Occurrence



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Fernando Álvarez Noguera
  • 出處
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoInstituto de BiologíaDepartamento de ZoologíaColección de Crustáceos
Apartado Postal 70-153
04510 México
Distrito Federal
56 22 9146 5622 9167
CONABIO Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad
  • 元數據提供者
Dirección General de Sistemas
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
Liga Periférico-Insurgentes Sur No. 4903, Col. Parques del Pedregal
14010 MÉXICO
Patricia Ramos Rivera
  • 連絡人
Dirección General de Sistemas
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
Liga Periférico-Insurgentes Sur No. 4903, Col. Parques del Pedregal
14010 México



界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [18.358, -88.775], 緯度北界 經度東界 [21.508, -86.508]


Reino: Animalia Filo: Arthropoda Clase: Malacostraca Orden: Decapoda, Stomatopoda, Isopoda, Amphipoda Familia: Cambaridae, Mithracidae, Gonodactylidae, Spongicolidae, Xanthidae, Diogenidae, Cirolanidae, Grapsidae, Alpheidae, Pilumnidae, Palaemonidae, Maeridae, Porcellanidae, Thoridae, Dromiidae, Paguridae, Lysmatidae, Carpiliidae, Talitridae, Percnidae, Menippidae, Portunidae, Palinuridae, Coenobitidae, Hippolytidae, Munididae, Inachoididae, Epialtidae, Atylidae, Leucosiidae, Pseudosquillidae, Processidae, Panopeidae, Leptanthuridae, Inachidae, Stenopodidae, Gecarcinidae, Ampithoidae, Plagusiidae, Varunidae, Pontogeneiidae, Mathildellidae, Aegidae, Sphaeromatidae, Cyclodorippidae, Barbouriidae, Leucothoidae, Oziidae, Penaeidae, Lysiosquillidae, Aoridae, Homolidae, Eriphiidae, Scyllaridae, Dogielinotidae, Ocypodidae, Colomastigidae, Corallanidae, Pandalidae, Calappidae, Photidae, Sesarmidae, Ucididae

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda, Stomatopoda, Isopoda, Amphipoda
Family Cambaridae, Mithracidae, Gonodactylidae, Spongicolidae, Xanthidae, Diogenidae, Cirolanidae, Grapsidae, Alpheidae, Pilumnidae, Palaemonidae, Maeridae, Porcellanidae, Thoridae, Dromiidae, Paguridae, Lysmatidae, Carpiliidae, Talitridae, Percnidae, Menippidae, Portunidae, Palinuridae, Coenobitidae, Hippolytidae, Munididae, Inachoididae, Epialtidae, Atylidae, Leucosiidae, Pseudosquillidae, Processidae, Panopeidae, Leptanthuridae, Inachidae, Stenopodidae, Gecarcinidae, Ampithoidae, Plagusiidae, Varunidae, Pontogeneiidae, Mathildellidae, Aegidae, Sphaeromatidae, Cyclodorippidae, Barbouriidae, Leucothoidae, Oziidae, Penaeidae, Lysiosquillidae, Aoridae, Homolidae, Eriphiidae, Scyllaridae, Dogielinotidae, Ocypodidae, Colomastigidae, Corallanidae, Pandalidae, Calappidae, Photidae, Sesarmidae, Ucididae
Genus Procambarus, Microphrys, Gonodactylus, Microprosthema, Micropanope, Cataleptodius, Mithrax, Clibanarius, Cirolana, Pachygrapsus, Synalpheus, Alpheus, Pilumnus, Banareia, Calcinus, Periclimenes, Pitho, Elasmopus, Xanthodius, Petrolisthes, Gnathophyllum, Platyactaea, Thor, Cryptodromiopsis, Pagurus, Lysmata, Carpilius, Pachycheles, Orchestia, Percnon, Palaemon, Menippe, Leander, Callinectes, Panulirus, Coenobita, Hippolyte, Latreutes, Munida, Stenorhynchus, Macrocoeloma, Grapsus, Atylus, Actaea, Melybia, Uhlias, Ebalia, Pseudosquilla, Processa, Panopeus, Accalathura, Tozeuma, Podochela, Stenopus, Brachycarpus, Cardisoma, Ampithoe, Portunus, Plagusia, Acanthonyx, Paractaea, Ceradocus, Cyclograpsus, Etisus, Automate, Epialtus, Eusiroides, Cronius, Neopilumnoplax, Salmoneus, Chorinus, Thoe, Eurypanopeus, Rocinela, Paguristes, Neopanope, Dromia, Arenaeus, Paracerceis, Clythrocerus, Janicea, Alpheopsis, Leucothoe, Ozius, Porcellana, Trachycharis, Farfantepenaeus, Lysiosquilla, Arachnopsis, Chlorodiella, Bemlos, Homola, Maera, Platypodiella, Typton, Eriphia, Libinia, Periclimenaeus, Catapagurus, Paraliomera, Scyllarides, Parhyalella, Uca, Euchirograpsus, Leptopisa, Colomastix, Geograpsus, Alcirona, Plesionika, Petrochirus, Calappa, Anopsilana, Tomopagurus, Speloeophorus, Audulla, Macrobrachium, Goniopsis, Armases, Gecarcinus, Ocypode, Ucides
Subgenus Mithraculus, Minuca
Species Procambarus llamasi (acocil), Microphrys bicornutus (cangrejo araña), Gonodactylus oerstedii (camarón bruja o catarinas, camarón galera, camarón mantis), Gonodactylus spinulosus (camarón bruja o catarinas, camarón galera, camarón mantis), Microprosthema semilaeve (camaroncito), Micropanope nuttingi (cangrejo), Cataleptodius floridanus (cangrejo), Microphrys interruptus (cangrejo araña), Mithrax (Mithraculus) coryphe (cangrejo araña), Clibanarius cubensis (cangrejo ermitaño), Cirolana parva (cochinilla de mar), Pachygrapsus transversus (cangrejo, cangrejo saltador), Synalpheus anasimus (camarón chasqueador), Alpheus armillatus (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Pilumnus holosericus (cangrejo), Banareia palmeri (cangrejo), Mithrax (Mithraculus) sculptus (cangrejo araña), Calcinus tibicen (cangrejo ermitaño), Periclimenes americanus (camaroncito), Pitho lherminieri (cangrejo araña), Elasmopus levis (anfípodo), Xanthodius denticulatus (cangrejo), Petrolisthes jugosus (cangrejo porcelana), Gnathophyllum americanum (camaroncito), Platyactaea setigera (cangrejo), Mithrax pleuracanthus (cangrejo araña), Thor manningi (camaroncito), Cryptodromiopsis antillensis (cangrejo), Pagurus provenzanoi (cangrejo ermitaño), Lysmata intermedia (camaroncito), Synalpheus minus (camarón chasqueador), Mithrax hemphilli (cangrejo araña), Carpilius corallinus (cangrejo), Pachycheles pilosus (cangrejo porcelana), Clibanarius tricolor (cangrejo ermitaño), Orchestia costaricana (anfípodo), Percnon gibbesi (cangrejo), Palaemon floridanus (camaroncito), Pitho aculeata (cangrejo araña), Pagurus marshi (cangrejo ermitaño), Mithrax (Mithraculus) ruber (cangrejo araña), Synalpheus townsendi (camarón chasqueador), Synalpheus brooksi (camarón chasqueador), Synalpheus fritzmuelleri (camarón chasqueador), Menippe nodifrons (cangrejo), Leander tenuicornis (camaroncito), Callinectes similis (jaiba), Panulirus guttatus (langosta moteada), Synalpheus mcclendoni (camarón chasqueador), Lysmata moorei (camaroncito), Alpheus formosus (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Mithrax (Mithraculus) forceps (cangrejo araña), Coenobita clypeatus (cangrejo ermitaño), Pitho mirabilis (cangrejo araña), Petrolisthes armatus (cangrejo porcelana), Hippolyte curacaoensis (camaroncito), Gonodactylus bredini (camarón bruja o catarinas, camarón galera, camarón mantis), Latreutes fucorum (camaroncito), Alpheus websteri (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Mithrax holderi (cangrejo araña), Stenorhynchus seticornis (cangrejo araña), Macrocoeloma diplacanthum (cangrejo araña), Macrocoeloma subparallelum (cangrejo araña), Grapsus grapsus (cangrejo, cangrejo abuete negro), Synalpheus disparodigitus (camarón chasqueador), Atylus minikoi (anfípodo), Petrolisthes galathinus (cangrejo porcelana), Actaea acantha (cangrejo), Melybia thalamita (cangrejo), Uhlias limbatus (cangrejo), Ebalia cariosa (cangrejo), Mithrax pilosus (cangrejo araña), Alpheus armatus (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Pseudosquilla ciliata (camarón bruja o catarinas, camarón galera, camarón mantis), Processa fimbriata (camaroncito), Panopeus occidentalis (cangrejo), Accalathura crenulata (cochinilla de mar), Tozeuma carolinense (camaroncito), Panulirus argus (langosta común del Caribe), Podochela macrodera (cangrejo araña), Micropanope spinipes (cangrejo), Petrolisthes quadratus (cangrejo porcelana), Alpheus normanni (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Stenopus hispidus (camarón limpiador), Clibanarius vittatus (cangrejo ermitaño), Petrolisthes marginatus (cangrejo porcelana), Alpheus bahamensis (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Brachycarpus biunguiculatus (camaroncito), Cardisoma guanhumi (cangrejo), Mithrax (Mithraculus) cinctimanus (cangrejo araña), Ampithoe ramondi (anfípodo), Processa borboronica (camaroncito), Portunus ventralis (jaiba), Synalpheus dominicensis (camarón chasqueador), Portunus anceps (jaiba), Thor dobkini (camaroncito), Plagusia depressa (cangrejo), Periclimenes iridescens (camaroncito), Panopeus harttii (cangrejo), Acanthonyx petiverii (cangrejo araña), Pilumnus longleyi (cangrejo), Alpheus peasei (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Ceradocus sheardi (anfípodo), Cyclograpsus integer (cangrejo), Mithrax verrucosus (cangrejo araña), Alpheus amblyonyx (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Panopeus lacustris (cangrejo), Etisus maculatus (cangrejo), Automate evermanni (camarón chasqueador), Epialtus bituberculatus (cangrejo araña), Mithrax spinosissimus (cangrejo araña), Eusiroides yucatanensis (anfípodo), Pagurus brevidactylus (cangrejo ermitaño), Cronius ruber (jaiba, jaiba, jaiba pecosa), Neopilumnoplax americana (cangrejo), Salmoneus arubae (camaroncito, camarón chasqueador), Periclimenes yucatanicus (camaroncito), Lysmata rathbunae (camaroncito), Elasmopus thomasi (anfípodo), Alpheus viridari (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Callinectes larvatus (jaiba), Chorinus heros (cangrejo araña), Clibanarius antillensis (cangrejo ermitaño), Elasmopus pocillimanus (anfípodo), Portunus depressifrons (jaiba), Thoe puella (cangrejo araña), Munida forceps (langostilla), Eurypanopeus dissimilis (cangrejo), Rocinela signata (cochinilla de mar), Epialtus longirostris (cangrejo araña), Pilumnus floridanus (cangrejo), Paguristes grayi (cangrejo ermitaño), Neopanope packardii (cangrejo), Accalathura setosa (cochinilla de mar), Dromia erythropus (cangrejo), Arenaeus cribrarius (jaiba), Micropanope granulimanus (cangrejo), Paracerceis caudata (cochinilla de mar), Paguristes anomalus (cangrejo ermitaño), Clythrocerus stimpsoni (cangrejo), Paguristes cadenati (cangrejo ermitaño), Janicea antiguensis (camaroncito), Mithrax acuticornis (cangrejo araña), Alpheus nuttingi (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Portunus floridanus (jaiba), Alpheopsis labis (camarón chasqueador), Alpheus cristulifrons (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Leucothoe spinicarpa (anfípodo), Alpheus floridanus (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Ozius reticulatus (cangrejo), Portunus spinimanus (jaiba), Porcellana sigsbeiana (cangrejo porcelana), Hippolyte zostericola (camaroncito), Palaemon northropi (camaroncito), Synalpheus obtusifrons (camarón chasqueador), Paguristes sericeus (cangrejo ermitaño), Trachycharis restrictus (camaroncito), Cirolana obtruncata (cochinilla de mar), Alpheus schmitti (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Farfantepenaeus aztecus (camarón café), Synalpheus hemphilli (camarón chasqueador), Lysiosquilla scabricauda (camarón bruja o catarinas, camarón galera, camarón mantis), Pagurus maclaughlinae (cangrejo ermitaño), Epialtus dilatatus (cangrejo araña), Pagurus carolinensis (cangrejo ermitaño), Pilumnus lacteus (cangrejo), Arachnopsis filipes (cangrejo araña), Alpheus paracrinitus (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Chlorodiella longimana (cangrejo), Bemlos spinicarpus (anfípodo), Pilumnus sayi (cangrejo), Lysmata wurdemanni (camaroncito), Homola barbata (cangrejo), Maera pacifica (anfípodo), Pachygrapsus gracilis (cangrejo), Thor amboinensis (camaroncito), Platypodiella spectabilis (cangrejo), Alpheopsis trigonus (camarón chasqueador), Macrocoeloma camptocerum (cangrejo araña), Synalpheus pandionis (camarón chasqueador), Typton tortugae (camaroncito), Portunus ordwayi (jaiba), Eurypanopeus abbreviatus (cangrejo), Eriphia gonagra (cangrejo), Libinia erinacea (cangrejo araña), Alpheopsis trispinosus (camarón chasqueador), Periclimenaeus bermudensis (camaroncito), Catapagurus sharreri (cangrejo ermitaño), Paraliomera dispar (cangrejo), Scyllarides aequinoctialis (langosta zapatera), Pagurus miamensis (cangrejo ermitaño), Parhyalella whelpleyi (anfípodo), Synalpheus rathbunae (camarón chasqueador), Alpheus malleator (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Uca (Minuca) thayeri (cangrejo violinista), Euchirograpsus americanus (cangrejo), Paguristes inconstans (cangrejo ermitaño), Pagurus annulipes (cangrejo ermitaño), Callinectes exasperatus (jaiba, jaiba, jaiba rugosa), Automate rectifrons (camarón chasqueador), Bemlos unicornis (anfípodo), Leptopisa setirostris (cangrejo araña), Bemlos foresti (anfípodo), Colomastix tridentata (anfípodo), Synalpheus curacaoensis (camarón chasqueador), Geograpsus lividus (cangrejo), Alcirona krebsii (cochinilla de mar), Plesionika martia (camaroncito), Synalpheus filidigitus (camarón chasqueador), Petrochirus diogenes (cangrejo ermitaño), Mithrax hispidus (cangrejo araña), Synalpheus paraneptunus (camarón chasqueador), Munida simplex (langostilla), Paguristes puncticeps (cangrejo ermitaño), Calappa flammea (cangrejo), Anopsilana browni (cochinilla de mar), Tomopagurus wassi (cangrejo ermitaño), Periclimenaeus caraibicus (camaroncito), Micropanope lobifrons (cangrejo), Calappa gallus (cangrejo), Alpheus bouvieri (camarón chasqueador, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola), Menippe mercenaria (cangrejo), Pseudosquilla oculata (camarón bruja o catarinas, camarón galera, camarón mantis), Speloeophorus pontifer (cangrejo), Audulla chelifera (anfípodo), Callinectes sapidus (jaiba azul, jaiba), Callinectes ornatus (jaiba), Macrobrachium acanthurus (acamaya, acamaya, camarón cauque, camarón de agua dulce, camarón de río, camarón popotillo, langostino), Farfantepenaeus duorarum (camarón rosado), Goniopsis cruentata (cangrejo de mangle), Armases ricordi (cangrejo), Gecarcinus lateralis (cangrejo), Ocypode quadrata (cangrejo fantasma), Ucides cordatus (cangrejo), Armases miersii (cangrejo), Uca (Minuca) rapax (cangrejo violinista), Uca (Minuca) burgersi (cangrejo violinista)
Infraspecificname Munida iris subsp. iris (langostilla), Paractaea rufopunctata subsp. nodosa (cangrejo), Macrocoeloma trispinosum subsp. nodipes (cangrejo araña)


起始日期 / 結束日期 1959-12-28 / 1990-08-28


El proyecto que ahora se presenta, pretende integrar un inventario preliminar de los crustáceos estomatópodos, peracáridos y decápodos de la planicie costera y el litoral de Quintana Roo, a través de la revisión y determinación de los ejemplares depositados en la Colección Nacional de Crustáceos del Instituto de Biología, UNAM. El material de estudio proviene de dos programas de muestreo realizados en la costa de dicho estado (incluyendo recolectas en las Islas Mujeres y Cozumel), durante los años de 1985 a 1990. En el primero de ellos se efectuaron capturas de crustáceos intermareales en 32 puntos que abarcaron desde Puerto Juárez en la porción norte hasta Playa Cocos en la Bahía de Chetumal. El segundo programa se desarrolló en 1990 durante la expedición de aguas profundas que realizó la Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution frente a la costa quintanarroense. Con estos crustáceos se integrará una base de datos con más de 1,500 registros, pertenecientes a cuatro órdenes, más 40 familias, más 100 géneros y alrededor de 150 especies.

計畫名稱 Crustáceos estomatópodos, anfípodos, isópodos y decápodos del litoral de Quintana Roo
辨識碼 SNIB-S079-S079111F-ND
經費來源 Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO)
研究區域描述 Invertebrados camarones, cangrejos, cochinillas, langostas, percebes


Fernando Álvarez Noguera
  • Content Provider


蒐藏名稱 Colección Nacional de Crustáceos;CNCR;Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México;IBUNAM
蒐藏編號 SNIB-S079-S079111F-ND
上層採集品識別碼 NO APLICA
標本保存方法 Alcohol
管理單位 在...之間 1 和 140 Ejemplar


  1. Dana J. 1852. Proceedings of the Academy National of Science Philadelphia. 6-28. Tésis de No Aplica. Philadelphia, E.U.A.
  2. Dana J. 1852. United States Exploring Expedition during the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, under the Command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. 501, 528. Tésis de No Aplica. E.U.A.
  3. Dana J. 1852. Crustacea, Part 1. United States Exploring Expedition during the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, under the Command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. 13(1):501, 528. E.U.A.
  4. Dana J. 1852. Macroura. Conspectus Crustaceorum & Conspectos of the crustacea of the Exploring Expeditions under Capt. C. Wilkes, U.S.N., Macroura. Proceedings of the Academy National of Science Philadelphia. 6:16. Philadelphia, E.U.A.
  5. Dana J. 1852. Conspectus Crustaceorum & Conspectus of the Crustacea of the Exploring Expeditions under Capt. C. Wilkes, U.S.N., including the Crustacea Cancroidea Corystoidea. Proceedings of the Academy National of Science Philadelphia. 6:6-28. Philadelphia, E.U.A.
  6. Bate C. S. 1888. Reports of the Voyage of the H.M.S. Challenger. Zoology. 206. Tésis de No Aplica. E.U.A.
  7. Bate C. S. 1888. Report on the Crustacea Macroura collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Reports of the Voyage of the H.M.S. Challenger. Zoology. (24):206. E.U.A.
  8. Burkenroad M. D. 1963. Tulane Studies in Geology. 3-16. Tésis de No Aplica. E.U.A.
  9. Burukovsky R. N. 1997. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 884-893. Tésis de No Aplica. Biological Society of Washington. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  10. Borradaile L. A. & Miers, E. J. 1881. Annals and Magazine Natural History. 534-551. Tésis de No Aplica. E.U.A.
  11. Burkenroad M. D. 1963. The Evolution of the Eucarida (Crustacea: Eumalacostraca) in relation to the fossil record. Tulane Studies in Geology. 2(1):3-16. Louisiana, E.U.A.
  12. Borradaile L. A. 1903. On the classification of the Thalassinidea. Annals and Magazine Natural History. 12(7):534-551. E.U.A.
  13. Borradaile L. A. 1907. On the classification of the decapod crustaceans. Annals and Magazine Natural History. 19(7):457-486. E.U.A.
  14. Calman W. T. 1904. On the classification of the Crustacea Malacostraca. Annals and Magazine Natural History. 13(7):144-158. E.U.A.
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  141. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):118-121. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  142. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):121. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  143. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):128. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  144. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):129. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  145. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):130-133. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  146. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):13-14. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  147. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):133-135. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  148. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):137-141. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  149. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):141. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  150. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):142. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  151. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):144. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  152. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):144-145. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  153. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):19. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  154. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):20. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  155. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):21. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  156. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):26. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  157. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):28. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  158. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):31. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  159. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):52. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  160. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):55. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  161. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):56. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  162. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):59-62. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  163. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):62. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  164. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):63. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  165. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):64-65. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  166. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):65. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  167. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):67. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  168. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):68. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  169. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):69. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  170. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):70-73. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  171. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):73. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  172. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):74. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  173. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):75. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  174. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):79. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  175. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):82. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  176. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):92. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  177. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):92-93. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  178. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):93. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  179. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):95. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  180. Chace, F. A., Jr. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (98):99. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  192. Abele, L.G. 1992. A review of the grapsid crab genus Sesarma (Crustacea: Decapoda: Grapsidae) in America, with description of a new genus. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. (527):43-45. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  199. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 118-119. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  200. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 119-120. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  201. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 126-127. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  202. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 134-135. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  203. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 138-140. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  204. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 148-149. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  205. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 1-545. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  206. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 196-197. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  207. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 21-24. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  208. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 215. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  209. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 233-234. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  210. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 24-27. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  211. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 243-244. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  212. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 246-247. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  213. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 248. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  214. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 255-256. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  215. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 261-262. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  216. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 273. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  217. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 295-296. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  218. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 33-34. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  219. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 35, 398, 403. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  220. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 362-363. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  221. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 369-371. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  222. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 371-373. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  223. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 373-376. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  224. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 376-383. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  225. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 385-386. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  226. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 461-462. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  227. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 468-472. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  228. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 92-94. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  229. Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. 94-95. Tésis de No Aplica. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  230. Haig, J. 1956. The Galatheidae (Crustacea Anomura) of the Allan Hancock Expedition with a review of the Porcellanidae of the Western Atlantic. Allan Hancock Atlantic Expedition. 8:15-16. The University of Southern California Press. California, E.U.A.
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  232. Haig, J. 1956. The Galatheidae (Crustacea Anomura) of the Allan Hancock Expedition with a review of the Porcellanidae of the Western Atlantic. Allan Hancock Atlantic Expedition. 8:19-21. The University of Southern California Press. California, E.U.A.
  233. Haig, J. 1956. The Galatheidae (Crustacea Anomura) of the Allan Hancock Expedition with a review of the Porcellanidae of the Western Atlantic. Allan Hancock Atlantic Expedition. 8:22-25. The University of Southern California Press. California, E.U.A.
  234. Haig, J. 1956. The Galatheidae (Crustacea Anomura) of the Allan Hancock Expedition with a review of the Porcellanidae of the Western Atlantic. Allan Hancock Atlantic Expedition. 8:26-27. The University of Southern California Press. California, E.U.A.
  235. Haig, J. 1956. The Galatheidae (Crustacea Anomura) of the Allan Hancock Expedition with a review of the Porcellanidae of the Western Atlantic. Allan Hancock Atlantic Expedition. 8:33. The University of Southern California Press. California, E.U.A.
  236. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):359-362. Miami, Florida.
  237. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):363-365. Miami, Florida.
  238. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):366-368. Miami, Florida.
  239. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):368-369. Miami, Florida.
  240. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):369-371. Miami, Florida.
  241. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):371-372. Miami, Florida.
  242. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):384-386. Miami, Florida.
  243. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):387-388. Miami, Florida.
  244. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):391-393. Miami, Florida.
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  246. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):407-410. Miami, Florida.
  247. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):412-414. Miami, Florida.
  248. Provenzano A. J., Jr. 1959. The shallow-water Hermit Crabs of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean. 9(4):414-417. Miami, Florida.
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  250. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):148-149. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  251. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):151. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  252. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):153-154. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  254. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):305-307. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  255. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):321-322. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  257. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):352-353. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  258. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):357-359. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  262. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):383-385. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  263. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):388-391. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  264. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):392-393. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  265. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):394-395. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  266. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):395-397. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  267. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):400-402. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  268. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):406-409. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  271. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):426-428. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  272. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):431-432. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  273. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):432-433. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  278. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):478-480. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  281. Rathbun, M. J. 1925. The spider crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (129):504-505. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  284. Rathbun, M. J. 1918. The grapsoid crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (97):21. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  286. Rathbun, M. J. 1918. The grapsoid crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (97):232-233. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  287. Rathbun, M. J. 1918. The grapsoid crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (97):232-234. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  288. Rathbun, M. J. 1918. The grapsoid crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (97):237-239. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  289. Rathbun, M. J. 1918. The grapsoid crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (97):244-249. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  293. Rathbun, M. J. 1918. The grapsoid crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (97):308-311. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  294. Rathbun, M. J. 1918. The grapsoid crabs of America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (97):326-327. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  312. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):442-443. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  314. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):450-451. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  315. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):462-464. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  316. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):472-476. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  317. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):479-481. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  318. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):484-486. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  319. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):493-494. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  320. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):502-503. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  321. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):507-510. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  322. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):511-512. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  323. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):13, 149, 151. The Florida State University. Florida.
  324. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):13, 152, 191. The Florida State University. Florida.
  325. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):13, 154, 163. The Florida State University. Florida.
  326. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):14, 154, 165. The Florida State University. Florida.
  327. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):14, 155, 169. The Florida State University. Florida.
  328. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):15, 156, 173. The Florida State University. Florida.
  329. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):15, 156, 175. The Florida State University. Florida.
  330. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):16, 159, 181. The Florida State University. Florida.
  331. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):17, 161, 187. The Florida State University. Florida.
  332. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):17, 195, 205. The Florida State University. Florida.
  333. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):17, 196, 207. The Florida State University. Florida.
  334. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):17, 198, 213. The Florida State University. Florida.
  335. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):18, 197, 207. The Florida State University. Florida.
  336. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):18, 198, 211. The Florida State University. Florida.
  337. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):18, 199, 215. The Florida State University. Florida.
  338. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):19, 197, 209. The Florida State University. Florida.
  339. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):19, 199, 213. The Florida State University. Florida.
  340. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):19, 200, 217. The Florida State University. Florida.
  341. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):198, 211. The Florida State University. Florida.
  342. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):199, 215. The Florida State University. Florida.
  343. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):20, 202, 221. The Florida State University. Florida.
  344. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):20, 203, 225. The Florida State University. Florida.
  345. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):20, 203, 227. The Florida State University. Florida.
  346. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):202, 221. The Florida State University. Florida.
  347. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):21, 201, 219. The Florida State University. Florida.
  348. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):21, 202, 223. The Florida State University. Florida.
  349. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):21, 231, 237. The Florida State University. Florida.
  350. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):22, 231, 239. The Florida State University. Florida.
  351. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):22, 232, 241. The Florida State University. Florida.
  352. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):22, 233, 243. The Florida State University. Florida.
  353. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):22, 234, 245. The Florida State University. Florida.
  354. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):22, 235, 247. The Florida State University. Florida.
  355. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):233-234. The Florida State University. Florida.
  356. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):24, 263, 267. The Florida State University. Florida.
  357. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):28, 327, 329. The Florida State University. Florida.
  358. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):28, 330, 353. The Florida State University. Florida.
  359. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):29, 331, 338-339. The Florida State University. Florida.
  360. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):29, 331, 339. The Florida State University. Florida.
  361. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):29, 334, 345. The Florida State University. Florida.
  362. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):29, 334, 349. The Florida State University. Florida.
  363. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):30, 334, 347. The Florida State University. Florida.
  364. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):32, 363, 379. The Florida State University. Florida.
  365. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):325-334. The Florida State University. Florida.
  366. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):33, 363, 375. The Florida State University. Florida.
  367. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):33, 363, 377. The Florida State University. Florida.
  368. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):333, 334. The Florida State University. Florida.
  369. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):334, 348. The Florida State University. Florida.
  370. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):35, 398, 403. The Florida State University. Florida.
  371. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):36, 398, 405. The Florida State University. Florida.
  372. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):360, 365, 383. The Florida State University. Florida.
  373. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):363, 376. The Florida State University. Florida.
  374. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):365, 384, 385. The Florida State University. Florida.
  375. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):37, 412, 417. The Florida State University. Florida.
  376. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):39, 437, 441. The Florida State University. Florida.
  377. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):43, 495, 545. The Florida State University. Florida.
  378. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):44, 494, 459. The Florida State University. Florida.
  379. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):44, 498, 511. The Florida State University. Florida.
  380. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):45, 496, 551. The Florida State University. Florida.
  381. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):45, 500, 519. The Florida State University. Florida.
  382. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):46, 500, 517. The Florida State University. Florida.
  383. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):46, 501, 521. The Florida State University. Florida.
  384. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):46, 501, 523. The Florida State University. Florida.
  385. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):46, 502, 521. The Florida State University. Florida.
  386. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):46, 502, 527. The Florida State University. Florida.
  387. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):46, 503, 529. The Florida State University. Florida.
  388. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):47, 501, 502, 525. The Florida State University. Florida.
  389. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):47, 502, 525. The Florida State University. Florida.
  390. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):47, 502, 527. The Florida State University. Florida.
  391. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):47, 503, 523. The Florida State University. Florida.
  392. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):47, 503, 529. The Florida State University. Florida.
  393. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):48, 504, 531. The Florida State University. Florida.
  394. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):49, 505, 535. The Florida State University. Florida.
  395. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):50, 494, 555. The Florida State University. Florida.
  396. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):50, 495, 555. The Florida State University. Florida.
  397. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):52, 572, 589. The Florida State University. Florida.
  398. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):52, 573, 577. The Florida State University. Florida.
  399. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):52, 573, 579. The Florida State University. Florida.
  400. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):53, 573, 581. The Florida State University. Florida.
  401. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):55, 591, 599. The Florida State University. Florida.
  402. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):56, 603, 651. The Florida State University. Florida.
  403. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):56, 607, 617. The Florida State University. Florida.
  404. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):56, 611, 635. The Florida State University. Florida.
  405. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):58, 608, 623. The Florida State University. Florida.
  406. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):58, 609, 629. The Florida State University. Florida.
  407. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):59, 604, 657. The Florida State University. Florida.
  408. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):59, 611, 635. The Florida State University. Florida.
  409. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):60, 612, 641. The Florida State University. Florida.
  410. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):60, 612, 643. The Florida State University. Florida.
  411. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):61, 603, 658, 659. The Florida State University. Florida.
  412. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):61, 603, 659. The Florida State University. Florida.
  413. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):62, 665, 675. The Florida State University. Florida.
  414. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):62, 665, 677. The Florida State University. Florida.
  415. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):62, 666, 669. The Florida State University. Florida.
  416. Abele, L.G. & Kim, W. 1986. An Illustrated Guide to the Marine Decapods Crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, Department of Enviromental Regulation. 8(1):63, 666, 669. The Florida State University. Florida.
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  423. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):1-609. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  424. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):240-241. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  425. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):244-246. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  426. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):247-248. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  427. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):251-254. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  428. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):257-259. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  429. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):260-261. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  430. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):261-263. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  431. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):263-265. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  432. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):295-296. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  433. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):297-301. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  434. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):314-315. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  435. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):348-349. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  436. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):348-352. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  438. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):380-383. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  439. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):404-407. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  440. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):411-418. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  441. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):42-43. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  442. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):429-431. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  443. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):43, 47-48. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  444. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):439-440. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  445. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):514-515. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  446. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):519-520. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  447. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):519-521. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  448. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):542-543. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  449. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):545-549. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  450. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):562-563. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  451. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):609. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  452. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):62-68. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  453. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):71-76. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  455. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):82-84. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
  456. Rathbun, M. J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. (152):84-89. Washington, D.C., E.U.A.
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  504. Barnard, J. L. & Karaman, G. S. 1991. The Families and Genera of Marine Gammaridean Amphipoda (Except Marine Gammaroids) Part 1, 2. Records of the Australian Museum. (13):262-265. Sydney, Australia.
  505. Barnard, J. L. & Karaman, G. S. 1991. The Families and Genera of Marine Gammaridean Amphipoda (Except Marine Gammaroids) Part 1, 2. Records of the Australian Museum. (13):319. Sydney, Australia.
  506. Barnard, J. L. & Karaman, G. S. 1991. The Families and Genera of Marine Gammaridean Amphipoda (Except Marine Gammaroids) Part 1, 2. Records of the Australian Museum. (13):372. Sydney, Australia.
  507. Barnard, J. L. & Karaman, G. S. 1991. The Families and Genera of Marine Gammaridean Amphipoda (Except Marine Gammaroids) Part 1, 2. Records of the Australian Museum. (13):411-412. Sydney, Australia.
  508. Barnard, J. L. & Karaman, G. S. 1991. The Families and Genera of Marine Gammaridean Amphipoda (Except Marine Gammaroids) Part 1, 2. Records of the Australian Museum. (13):470. Sydney, Australia.


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