
Fortalecimiento de las colecciones de ECOSUR. Primera fase (Peces Chetumal)

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En este proyecto se trabajará con 21 colecciones de ECOSUR las cuales se encuentran distribuidas en tres sedes. En Chetumal se tienen 11 colecciones (Zooplancton, Ictioplancton, Poliquetos, Nemátodos, Corales, Hormigas, Mariposas, Peces, Anfibios y reptiles, Aves y Mamíferos marinos), en San Cristóbal de las Casas 6 (Insectos, Abejas, Peces, Anfibios y reptiles, Mamíferos y un Herbario) y en Tapachula 4 (Insectos, Arañas, Herbario y Hongos). Para un mejor mantenimiento y uso de las colecciones, se hará trabajo curatorial en cada una de ellas y se actualizarán sus bases de datos, las cuales serán administradas por una Unidad de Bioinformática. Todas las especies registradas en las 21 colecciones de ECOSUR que participan en este proyecto, contarán con fotografías de alta calidad para su uso en identificaciones taxonómicas. Para lograr esta meta, se contará con la participación de 16 investigadores y 7 técnicos contratados por ECOSUR, además de 9 capturistas y 14 técnicos externos y una responsable de la Unidad de Bioinformática que se contratarán con recursos de este financiamiento. También se tendrá la participación de 13 taxónomos invitados y se comprará equipo necesario para el trabajo curatorial en estas 21 colecciones. Al término del proyecto se espera tener más de 98 145 registros en bases de datos administradas por la Unidad de Bioinformática, con datos de más de 5,000 especies de más de 1,000 localidades.

Reino: 1 Filo: 1 Clase: 2 Orden: 45 Familia: 108 Género: 269 Especie: 533 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 1


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'Valdez-Moreno M. E., B. Prado y C. Pozo. 2017. Fortalecimiento de las colecciones de ECOSUR. Primera fase. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO (colección de peces de Chetumal), proyectos ME006, HE009, EC001, S026 y B015. Ciudad de México'



此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: 4ec633b0-8b1f-405e-86cf-7f782a3ced53。  Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad 發佈此資源,並經由Biodiversity Information System of Mexico同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。


Occurrence; Peces; Occurrence



SNIB-ME006-peces_CH-CSV.zip http://www.snib.mx/proyectos/ME006/peces_CH/SNIB-ME006-peces_CH-CSV.zip UTF-8 CSV
SNIB-ME006-peces_CH-BD.zip http://www.snib.mx/proyectos/ME006/peces_CH/SNIB-ME006-peces_CH-BD.zip UTF-8 MDB MicrosoftAccess2007


María del Carmen Pozo de la Tijera
  • 出處
El Colegio de la Frontera SurUnidad ChetumalDepartamento de Conservación de la BiodiversidadGrupo Interacción, Adaptación y Biodiversidad
Ave. Centenario km 5.5
77014 Othón Blanco, Chetumal
Quintana Roo
01 983 835 0440 ext. 4301
CONABIO Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad
  • 元數據提供者
Dirección General de Sistemas
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
Liga Periférico-Insurgentes Sur No. 4903, Col. Parques del Pedregal
14010 MÉXICO
Patricia Ramos Rivera
  • 連絡人
Dirección General de Sistemas
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
Liga Periférico-Insurgentes Sur No. 4903, Col. Parques del Pedregal
14010 México



界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [14.716, -111.927], 緯度北界 經度東界 [28.801, -86.006]


Reino: Animalia Filo: Chordata Clase: Osteichthyes, Chondrichthyes Orden: Cyprinodontiformes, Cichliformes, Siluriformes, Cypriniformes, Clupeiformes, Atheriniformes, Characiformes, Perciformes, Batrachoidiformes, Beloniformes, Gobiiformes, Mugiliformes, Acanthuriformes, Elopiformes, Lophiiformes, Istiophoriformes, Lepisosteiformes, Incertae sedis, Labriformes, Synbranchiformes, Anguilliformes, Tetraodontiformes, Salmoniformes, Scorpaeniformes, Syngnathiformes, Holocentriformes, Scombriformes, Blenniiformes, Ophidiiformes, Carangiformes, Pleuronectiformes, Carcharhiniformes, Spariformes, Myliobatiformes, Aulopiformes, Albuliformes, Moroniformes, Torpediniformes, Kurtiformes, Pristiformes, Lampriformes, Hexanchiformes, Gobiesociformes, Gadiformes, Lamniformes Familia: Poeciliidae, Cichlidae, Heptapteridae, Cyprinidae, Clupeidae, Atherinidae, Characidae, Cyprinodontidae, Haemulidae, Batrachoididae, Fundulidae, Atherinopsidae, Hemiramphidae, Lutjanidae, Eleotridae, Catostomidae, Gobiidae, Mugilidae, Gerreidae, Sciaenidae, Elopidae, Centrarchidae, Ogcocephalidae, Sphyraenidae, Centropomidae, Lepisosteidae, Pomacentridae, Scaridae, Engraulidae, Serranidae, Synbranchidae, Belonidae, Megalopidae, Anguillidae, Kyphosidae, Ictaluridae, Labridae, Ariidae, Tetraodontidae, Muraenidae, Goodeidae, Salmonidae, Acanthuridae, Scorpaenidae, Syngnathidae, Holocentridae, Antennariidae, Trichiuridae, Labrisomidae, Monacanthidae, Rivulidae, Bythitidae, Ophidiidae, Pempheridae, Dactylopteridae, Carangidae, Bothidae, Loricariidae, Sphyrnidae, Scombridae, Exocoetidae, Lobotidae, Diodontidae, Paralichthyidae, Sparidae, Polynemidae, Achiridae, Echeneidae, Dactyloscopidae, Dasyatidae, Blenniidae, Synodontidae, Pomacanthidae, Pangasiidae, Ostraciidae, Urotrygonidae, Carcharhinidae, Albulidae, Ephippidae, Istiophoridae, Myliobatidae, Coryphaenidae, Balistidae, Chaenopsidae, Mullidae, Urolophidae, Narcinidae, Ophichthidae, Apogonidae, Cynoglossidae, Gymnuridae, Cirrhitidae, Chaetodontidae, Triglidae, Rhinobatidae, Regalecidae, Malacanthidae, Gempylidae, Rachycentridae, Carapidae, Hexanchidae, Gobiesocidae, Grammatidae, Aulostomidae, Priacanthidae, Gadidae, Lamnidae, Pomatomidae

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Osteichthyes, Chondrichthyes
Order Cyprinodontiformes, Cichliformes, Siluriformes, Cypriniformes, Clupeiformes, Atheriniformes, Characiformes, Perciformes, Batrachoidiformes, Beloniformes, Gobiiformes, Mugiliformes, Acanthuriformes, Elopiformes, Lophiiformes, Istiophoriformes, Lepisosteiformes, Incertae sedis, Labriformes, Synbranchiformes, Anguilliformes, Tetraodontiformes, Salmoniformes, Scorpaeniformes, Syngnathiformes, Holocentriformes, Scombriformes, Blenniiformes, Ophidiiformes, Carangiformes, Pleuronectiformes, Carcharhiniformes, Spariformes, Myliobatiformes, Aulopiformes, Albuliformes, Moroniformes, Torpediniformes, Kurtiformes, Pristiformes, Lampriformes, Hexanchiformes, Gobiesociformes, Gadiformes, Lamniformes
Family Poeciliidae, Cichlidae, Heptapteridae, Cyprinidae, Clupeidae, Atherinidae, Characidae, Cyprinodontidae, Haemulidae, Batrachoididae, Fundulidae, Atherinopsidae, Hemiramphidae, Lutjanidae, Eleotridae, Catostomidae, Gobiidae, Mugilidae, Gerreidae, Sciaenidae, Elopidae, Centrarchidae, Ogcocephalidae, Sphyraenidae, Centropomidae, Lepisosteidae, Pomacentridae, Scaridae, Engraulidae, Serranidae, Synbranchidae, Belonidae, Megalopidae, Anguillidae, Kyphosidae, Ictaluridae, Labridae, Ariidae, Tetraodontidae, Muraenidae, Goodeidae, Salmonidae, Acanthuridae, Scorpaenidae, Syngnathidae, Holocentridae, Antennariidae, Trichiuridae, Labrisomidae, Monacanthidae, Rivulidae, Bythitidae, Ophidiidae, Pempheridae, Dactylopteridae, Carangidae, Bothidae, Loricariidae, Sphyrnidae, Scombridae, Exocoetidae, Lobotidae, Diodontidae, Paralichthyidae, Sparidae, Polynemidae, Achiridae, Echeneidae, Dactyloscopidae, Dasyatidae, Blenniidae, Synodontidae, Pomacanthidae, Pangasiidae, Ostraciidae, Urotrygonidae, Carcharhinidae, Albulidae, Ephippidae, Istiophoridae, Myliobatidae, Coryphaenidae, Balistidae, Chaenopsidae, Mullidae, Urolophidae, Narcinidae, Ophichthidae, Apogonidae, Cynoglossidae, Gymnuridae, Cirrhitidae, Chaetodontidae, Triglidae, Rhinobatidae, Regalecidae, Malacanthidae, Gempylidae, Rachycentridae, Carapidae, Hexanchidae, Gobiesocidae, Grammatidae, Aulostomidae, Priacanthidae, Gadidae, Lamnidae, Pomatomidae
Genus Heterandria, Thorichthys, Rhamdia, Poecilia, Cyprinella, Dorosoma, Atherinomorus, Astyanax, Cichlasoma, Gambusia, Cyprinodon, Haemulon, Floridichthys, Opsanus, Garmanella, Fundulus, Menidia, Vieja, Cryptoheros, Petenia, Xiphophorus, Gila, Chirostoma, Paraneetroplus, Rocio, Amphilophus, Hyporhamphus, Bramocharax, Parachromis, Lutjanus, Gobiomorus, Poeciliopsis, Phallichthys, Dionda, Catostomus, Moxostoma, Brevoortia, Carassius, Lophogobius, Mugil, Eugerres, Belonesox, Batrachoides, Cynoscion, Diapterus, Elops, Lepomis, Ogcocephalus, Sphyraena, Centropomus, Archocentrus, Atractosteus, Notropis, Stegastes, Oreochromis, Sparisoma, Anchoa, Cephalopholis, Ophisternon, Strongylura, Megalops, Bathygobius, Macrhybopsis, Anguilla, Kyphosus, Eucinostomus, Theraps, Campostoma, Ictalurus, Brycon, Hypoplectrus, Poblana, Eleotris, Thalassoma, Bodianus, Ariopsis, Gerres, Sphoeroides, Gymnothorax, Herichthys, Goodea, Oncorhynchus, Acanthurus, Girardinichthys, Scorpaena, Atherinella, Lucania, Syngnathus, Sargocentron, Histrio, Doratonotus, Trichiurus, Labrisomus, Cathorops, Hyphessobrycon, Monacanthus, Chriodorus, Harengula, Characodon, Rivulus, Ogilbia, Neobythites, Pempheris, Anchovia, Jenkinsia, Codoma, Cyprinus, Bagre, Arius, Dactylopterus, Evorthodus, Bairdiella, Hippocampus, Caranx, Pimephales, Bothus, Pterygoplichthys, Ctenopharyngodon, Sphyrna, Scomberomorus, Echidna, Cypselurus, Lobotes, Cantherhines, Micropterus, Diodon, Opisthonema, Equetus, Citharichthys, Archosargus, Carangoides, Abudefduf, Epinephelus, Umbrina, Ocyurus, Polydactylus, Achirus, Potamarius, Malacoctenus, Echeneis, Gnatholepis, Dactyloscopus, Dasyatis, Ophioblennius, Seriola, Canthigaster, Synodus, Holacanthus, Pterois, Pangasianodon, Lactophrys, Lagocephalus, Urobatis, Thunnus, Carcharhinus, Albula, Chaetodipterus, Kajikia, Bryx, Anisotremus, Rhinoptera, Oligoplites, Microspathodon, Katsuwonus, Pareques, Halichoeres, Orthopristis, Parablennius, Selar, Trachinotus, Coryphaena, Scarus, Arothron, Balistes, Mycteroperca, Lagodon, Chilomycterus, Selene, Acanthocybium, Euthynnus, Clepticus, Emblemaria, Alphestes, Mulloidichthys, Urolophus, Menticirrhus, Trinectes, Acanthostracion, Narcine, Ophichthus, Phaeoptyx, Symphurus, Istiophorus, Apogon, Stephanolepis, Engyophrys, Gymnura, Pomacanthus, Gastropsetta, Porichthys, Holocentrus, Cirrhitus, Xyrichtys, Hyporthodus, Lachnolaimus, Rhizoprionodon, Etelis, Etropus, Chromis, Chaetodon, Sufflamen, Chloroscombrus, Pomadasys, Makaira, Astrapogon, Hemiramphus, Stellifer, Prionotus, Rhinobatos, Alectis, Regalecus, Malacanthus, Cosmocampus, Ruvettus, Aluterus, Johnrandallia, Liopropoma, Sciaenops, Rachycentron, Carapus, Hexanchus, Pseudupeneus, Micropogonias, Canthidermis, Coryphopterus, Paraclinus, Sectator, Auxis, Brotula, Elacatinus, Serranus, Hypleurochilus, Pseudobalistes, Starksia, Tylosurus, Nicholsina, Caulolatilus, Gobiesox, Myripristis, Tigrigobius, Gramma, Calamus, Acyrtops, Priolepis, Rypticus, Hirundichthys, Gillellus, Paralichthys, Elagatis, Aetobatus, Aulostomus, Heteropriacanthus, Gadus, Isurus, Pomatomus, Antennarius, Gobiosoma, Himantura, Lupinoblennius
Species Heterandria bimaculata (spottail killifish, guatopote manchado), Thorichthys meeki (mojarra boca de fuego), Rhamdia guatemalensis (pale catfish, juil descolorido), Poecilia mexicana (shortfin molly, topote del Atlántico), Cyprinella lutrensis (carpita roja, red shiner), Dorosoma petenense (sardina maya, threadfin shad), Atherinomorus stipes (hardhead silverside, tinícalo cabezón), Astyanax bacalarensis (Bacalar tetra, sardinita de Bacalar), Cichlasoma urophthalmus (mojarra del sureste), Gambusia yucatana (Yucatan gambusia, guayacón yucateco), Cyprinodon beltrani (cachorrito lodero), Haemulon aurolineatum (ronco jeníguaro, tomtate), Cyprinodon nazas (cachorrito de aguanaval, Nazas pupfish, cachorrito del Nazas, cachorrito de aguanaval, cachorrito del Nazas), Floridichthys polyommus (ocellated killifish, bolín yucateco), Astyanax angustifrons (Campeche tetra, sardinita de Campeche), Opsanus beta (Gulf toadfish, sapo boquiblanca), Garmanella pulchra (cachorrito de Progreso), Fundulus grandis (Gulf killifish, sardinilla del Pánuco), Haemulon carbonarium (ronco carbonero, caesar grunt), Menidia beryllina (plateadito, inland silverside, plateadito salado), Vieja synspila (mojarra paleta), Cryptoheros spilurus (blue-eye cichlid, mojarra yucateca, mojarra del Motagua, mojarra del Motagua, mojarra yucateca), Astyanax aeneus (banded tetra, pepesca, Penjamo tetra, sardinita de Pénjamo, pepesca, sardinita de Pénjamo), Haemulon parra (sailors choice, boquilla), Poecilia velifera (Yucatan molly, topote de aleta grande, topote aleta grande, topote aleta grande, topote de aleta grande), Petenia splendida (giant cichlid, tenguayaca), Xiphophorus maculatus (southern platyfish, espada del sur, espada sureña, espada del sur, espada sureña), Astyanax altior (sardinita yucateca), Gambusia sexradiata (stippled gambusia, guayacón del sureste), Gila conspersa (Nazas chub, carpa Mayrán), Cichlasoma salvini (yellowbelly cichlid, guapote tricolor), Astyanax finitimus (Veracruz tetra, sardinita de Veracruz), Poecilia orri (mangrove molly, topote yucateco, topote de manglar, topote de manglar, topote yucateco), Chirostoma jordani (mesa silverside, charal), Paraneetroplus fenestratus (blackstripe cichlid, mojarra de La Lana), Rocio octofasciata (Jack Dempsey, mojarra castarrica, mojarra castarrica, mojarra de Leona Vicario), Amphilophus robertsoni (Honduras cichlid, mojarra hondureña), Hyporhamphus unifasciatus (Atlantic silverstripe halfbeak, agujeta blanca), Bramocharax caballeroi (pepesca de Catemaco, Catemaco characin), Parachromis friedrichsthalii, Xiphophorus hellerii (cola de espada, green swordtail), Gambusia affinis (western mosquitofish, guayacón mosquito), Lutjanus apodus (pargo canchix, schoolmaster), Gobiomorus dormitor (bigmouth sleeper, guavina bocón), Poeciliopsis catemaco (Catemaco livebearer, guatopote blanco), Lutjanus jocu (pargo caballera, caballera, dog snapper pargo, caballera, pargo caballera), Phallichthys fairweatheri (picotee livebearer, topo), Dionda episcopa (roundnose minnow, Nueces roundnose minnow, carpa obispa), Bramocharax dorioni, Catostomus nebuliferus (Nazas sucker, matalote del Nazas), Moxostoma congestum (gray redhorse, matalote gris), Astyanax argentatus (Texan tetra, sardinita tejana), Cryptoheros chetumalensis, Brevoortia gunteri (sardina de escamitas, sardina escamitas, finescale menhaden, sardina de escamitas, sardina escamitas), Carassius auratus, Lophogobius cyprinoides (crested goby, gobio gallo), Poecilia petenensis (Peten molly, topote lacandón), Mugil curema (white mullet, lisa blanca), Eugerres mexicanus (Mexican mojarra, mojarra mexicana), Cyprinodon artifrons (Yucatan pupfish, bolín petota, bolín frentudo, bolín frentudo, bolín petota), Belonesox belizanus (picudito, pike killifish), Rocio gemmata (Leona Vicario cichlid, mojarra de Leona Vicario), Xiphophorus alvarezi (Chiapas swordtail, espada de Comitán), Batrachoides goldmani (Mexican freshwater, sapo mexicano, toadfish sapo, sapo mexicano, toadfish sapo), Cynoscion nebulosus (corvina pinta, spotted seatrout), Bramocharax baileyi, Rhamdia quelen, Diapterus auratus (Irish pompano, mojarra guacha), Cyprinodon esconditus (cachorrito escondido), Elops saurus (machete del Atlántico, ladyfish), Lepomis macrochirus (bluegill mojarra, oreja azul, mojarra de agallas azules, mojarra de agallas azules, oreja azul), Ogcocephalus nasutus (shortnose batfish, murciélago tapacaminos), Eugerres plumieri (striped mojarra, mojarra rayada), Chirostoma riojai (Toluca silverside, charal de Santiago), Rhamdia laticauda (rock catfish, juil de Jamapa, juil de jamada, juil de Jamapa, juil de jamada), Sphyraena barracuda (barracuda), Centropomus undecimalis (robalo blanco, common snook), Cyprinodon simus (cachorrito boxeador, boxer pupfish), Archocentrus octofasciatus (mojarra castarrica, mojarra de Leona Vicario), Atractosteus tropicus (pejelagarto, tropical gar pejelagarto), Paraneetroplus maculicauda, Lepomis megalotis (longear sunfish, mojarra gigante), Notropis amabilis (Texas shiner, carpita texana), Stegastes leucostictus (beaugregory, jaqueta bonita), Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia, tilapia del Nilo), Sparisoma chrysopterum (redtail parrotfish, loro verde), Anchoa mitchilli (anchoa de caleta, bay anchovy), Thorichthys helleri (yellow cichlid, mojarra amarilla, mojarra de Teapa, mojarra amarilla, mojarra de Teapa), Cyprinodon verecundus (cachorrito de dorsal larga, largefin pupfish, cachorrito aletón, cachorrito aletón, cachorrito de dorsal larga), Cephalopholis fulva (cabrilla roja, coney), Ophisternon aenigmaticum (obscure swamp eel, anguila falsa), Thorichthys pasionis (blackgullet cichlid, mojarra de la pasión), Strongylura marina (Atlantic needlefish, agujón verde), Megalops atlanticus (sábalo), Gambusia marshi (robust gambusia, guayacón de Nadadores), Bathygobius soporator (frillfin goby, mapo aguado), Cyprinella proserpina (carpita río del norte, proserpine shiner), Macrhybopsis aestivalis (speckled chub, carpa pecosa), Anguilla rostrata (anguila americana, American eel), Moxostoma albidum (longlip jumprock, matalote blanco), Kyphosus sectator (chopa blanca, chopa de Revillagigedo), Paraneetroplus synspilus (redhead cichlid, mojarra paleta), Bathygobius curacao (notchtongue goby, gobio jaspeado), Eucinostomus jonesii (slender mojarra, mojarra flaca), Heterandria dirempta, Poecilia latipinna (sailfin molly, topote de velo negro, topote velo, topote de velo negro, topote velo), Theraps godmanni, Ictalurus punctatus (channel catfish, bagre de canal), Brycon guatemalensis (macabi tetra, sardinita macabí), Hypoplectrus puella (barred hamlet, mero barril), Cyprinodon bobmilleri (cachorrito de San Ignacio, San Ignacio pupfish), Dorosoma cepedianum (sardina molleja, gizzard shad), Eucinostomus argenteus (spotfin mojarra, mojarra plateada), Xiphophorus gordoni (Cuatro Cienegas platyfish, espada de Cuatrociénegas, espada de Cuatro Ciénegas, espada de Cuatro Ciénegas, espada de Cuatrociénegas), Campostoma anomalum (rodapiedras del centro, central stoneroller), Fundulus philpisteri (sardinilla de San Ignacio), Lutjanus griseus (pargo mulato, gray snapper), Eleotris pisonis, Thalassoma bifasciatum (cara de cotorra, bluehead), Heterandria litoperas, Ophisternon infernale (blind swamp eel, anguila ciega yucateca), Strongylura forsythia (agujón negro), Chirostoma labarcae (sharpnose silverside, charal de La Barca), Sparisoma radians (bucktooth parrotfish, loro dientuso), Bodianus rufus (Spanish hogfish, vieja española), Ariopsis assimilis (Maya sea catfish, bagre maya), Oreochromis mossambicus (Mozambique tilapia, tilapia mosambica), Gerres cinereus (mojarra trompetera, yellowfin mojarra, mojarra blanca, mojarra blanca, mojarra trompetera), Strongylura notata (redfin needlefish, agujón negro), Dorosoma anale (sardina del Papaloapan, longfin gizzard shad), Cyprinella rutila (carpita regiomontana, Mexican red shiner), Sphoeroides testudineus (checkered puffer, botete sapo), Astyanax tamiahua (Tamiahua tetra, sardinita de Tamiahua), Gymnothorax moringa (spotted moray, morena manchada), Xiphophorus variatus (variable platyfish, espada de Valles), Herichthys cyanoguttatus (Rio Grande cichlid, mojarra del norte), Goodea atripinnis (blackfin goodea, tiro, tiro, tiro de Pátzcuaro, tiro oscuro), Xiphophorus xiphidium (swordtail platyfish, espada de Soto La Marina, espada del Soto La Marina, espada de Soto La Marina, espada del Soto La Marina), Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout, trucha arcoiris), Eleotris perniger (smallscaled spinycheek, sleeper, guavina espinosa), Ictalurus furcatus (blue catfish, bagre azul), Notropis stramineus (sand shiner, carpita arenera), Cyprinodon labiosus (cachorrito cangrejero, thicklip pupfish), Acanthurus bahianus (cirujano pardo, ocean surgeon), Girardinichthys multiradiatus (darkedged splitfin, mexcalpique de Zempoala), Vieja intermedia (mojarra del Petén), Scorpaena plumieri (escorpión negro, spotted scorpionfish, escorpión negro, pez escorpión), Oreochromis aureus (blue tilapia, tilapia azul), Dionda melanops (spotted minnow, carpa manchada), Atherinella alvarezi (plateadito de Tacotalpa, Gulf silverside), Lucania parva (rainwater killifish, sardinilla de lluvia), Syngnathus louisianae (pez pipa cadena, chain pipefish), Notropis chihuahua (Chihuahua shiner, carpita chihuahuense), Sargocentron vexillarium (carajuelo oscuro, dusky squirrelfish), Herichthys minckleyi (Cuatro Ciénegas cichlid, mojarra de Cuatro Ciénegas), Histrio histrio (pez sargazo, sargassumfish), Syngnathus scovelli (pez pipa del Golfo, Gulf pipefish), Ariopsis felis (bagre boca chica, bagre marino, boca chica, pez gato), Vieja melanurus (mojarra paleta), Haemulon flavolineatum (ronco condenado, French grunt), Doratonotus megalepis (dwarf wrasse, doncella enana), Trichiurus lepturus (sable del Atlántico, Atlantic cutlassfish), Theraps intermedius (Peten cichlid, mojarra del Petén), Labrisomus guppyi (trambollo mímico), Hyphessobrycon compressus (Maya tetra, sardinita plateada), Monacanthus ciliatus (fringed filefish, lija de clavo), Strongylura timucu (timucu, agujón timucú), Chriodorus atherinoides (hardhead halfbeak, pajarito cabezidura), Menidia colei (plateadito de Progreso, golden silverside), Poblana letholepis (charal de La Preciosa), Sparisoma rubripinne (yellowtail parrotfish, loro coliamarilla), Eucinostomus melanopterus (mojarra de ley, flagfin mojarra, mojarrita de ley, mojarra de ley, mojarrita de ley), Harengula clupeola (sardinita carapachona, false pilchard), Characodon lateralis (rainbow characodon, mexcalpique arcoiris), Xiphophorus signum, Hypoplectrus aberrans (yellowbelly hamlet, mero panza amarilla), Cyprinodon maya (cachorrito gigante, Maya pupfish), Rivulus tenuis (almirante del hule), Harengula jaguana (sardinita vivita escamuda, scaled sardine), Cichlasoma pearsei, Anchoa belizensis (anchoa beliceña, Belize anchovy), Theraps lentiginosus (freckled cichlid, Palenque cichlid, mojarra de Palenque, mojarra gachupina, mojarra de Palenque, mojarra gachupina), Ogilbia pearsei (dama blanca ciega), Neobythites gilli (twospot brotula, brótula amarillenta), Pempheris schomburgkii (barrendero transparente), Lutjanus analis (pargo criollo, mutton snapper), Harengula humeralis (sardinita de ley, redear sardine), Herichthys pantostictus (Chairel cichlid, mojarra de Chairel), Anchovia clupeoides (anchoveta sardina, zabaleta anchovy), Jenkinsia stolifera (sardinita de cayo, shortband herring), Cichlasoma affine (mojarra dorada), Codoma ornata (carpita adornada, ornate shiner), Cyprinus carpio (common carp, carpa común), Anchoa parva (anchoa parva, little anchovy), Bagre marinus (gafftopsail catfish, bagre bandera, bagre bandera, bagre cacumo, bagre marino, chihuil, cuatete), Eucinostomus gula (silver jenny, mojarra española), Arius assimilis (bagre maya), Dactylopterus volitans (flying gurnard, alón volador), Eugerres awlae, Evorthodus lyricus (lyre goby, tismiche), Cyprinodon atrorus (cachorrito del Bolsón, bolson pupfish), Bairdiella sanctaeluciae (ronco caribeño), Hippocampus erectus (lined seahorse, caballito estriado, caballito de mar, caballito de mar, caballito estriado), Parachromis managuensis, Poeciliopsis pleurospilus (largespot livebearer, guatopote manchote), Caranx hippos (jurel común, crevalle jack), Jenkinsia majua (sardinita manjúa, sardinita ojito, little-eye herring, sardinita manjúa, sardinita ojito), Anchoa lyolepis (anchoa mulata, dusky anchovy), Pimephales vigilax (bullhead minnow, carpita cabeza de toro), Cichlasoma irregulare (canchay, mojara de labios gruesos, mojarra labios gruesos), Centropomus parallelus (chucumite, smallscale fat, snook chucumite, chucumite, snook chucumite), Poblana squamata (charal de Quechulac), Bothus ocellatus (chueco playón, eyed flounder), Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (southern sailfin catfish, vermiculated sailfin catfish), Ctenopharyngodon idella, Fundulus similis (longnose killifish, sardinilla narigona), Sphyrna tiburo (cornuda cabeza de pala, cabeza de pala cornuda, bonnethead cornuda, cabeza de pala cornuda, cornuda cabeza de pala), Scomberomorus maculatus (Spanish mackerel, sierra común), Lepomis gulosus, Lutjanus synagris (pargo biajaiba, lane snapper), Thorichthys affinis (golden cichlid, mojarra dorada), Echidna catenata (chain moray, morena cadena), Caranx latus (jurel negro, horse-eye jack, jurel blanco, jurel blanco, jurel negro), Cyprinodon suavium (cachorrito besucón), Cypselurus furcatus (volador ala manchada), Lobotes surinamensis (dormilona del Atlántico, Atlantic tripletail), Kyphosus incisor (chopa amarilla, yellow chub, chopa amarilla, chopa rayada), Lepomis cyanellus, Cantherhines pullus (orangespotted filefish, lija colorada), Micropterus salmoides (largemouth bass, lobina negra), Diodon holocanthus (pez erizo apache, balloonfish pez, erizo mapache, erizo mapache, pez erizo apache), Anchoa cubana (anchoa cubana, Cuban anchovy), Scorpaena grandicornis (escorpión plumeado, plumed scorpionfish), Opisthonema oglinum (sardina vivita de hebra, Atlantic thread herring), Poeciliopsis gracilis (porthole livebearer, guatopote jarocho), Equetus acuminatus (payasito largo), Citharichthys spilopterus (bay whiff, lenguado pardo), Archosargus probatocephalus (sargo chopa, chopa, sheepshead sargo, chopa, sargo chopa), Carangoides ruber (cojinua carbonera, cojinuda carbonera), Abudefduf taurus (petaca toro, night sergeant), Campostoma ornatum (rodapiedras mexicano, Mexican stoneroller), Notropis jemezanus (Rio Grande shiner, carpita del Bravo), Mugil cephalus (pardete, striped mullet, lisa rayada, lisa rayada, pardete), Haemulon chrysargyreum (ronco boquichica, smallmouth grunt), Epinephelus striatus (Nassau grouper, mero del Caribe), Eucinostomus harengulus (tidewater mojarra, mojarra costera), Umbrina coroides (berrugata arenera, sand drum), Ocyurus chrysurus (rubia, yellowtail snapper), Abudefduf saxatilis (petaca rayada, sergeant major), Heterandria obliqua, Poblana alchichica (Alchichica silverside, charal de Alchichica), Polydactylus octonemus (barbudo ocho barbas, Atlantic threadfin), Achirus lineatus (suela listada, lined sole), Potamarius nelsoni (Lacandon sea catfish, bagre lacandón), Malacoctenus versicolor (barfin blenny, trambollo multicolor), Echeneis neucratoides (rémora aleta blanca, whitefin sharksucker, rémora filoblanco, rémora aleta blanca, rémora filoblanco), Gnatholepis thompsoni (goldspot goby, gobio puntadorada), Dactyloscopus tridigitatus, Dasyatis sabina (raya látigo de espina), Sparisoma aurofrenatum (redband parrotfish, loro manchado), Syngnathus floridae (pez pipa manchado, dusky pipefish, pez pipa prieto, pez pipa manchado, pez pipa prieto), Ophioblennius atlanticus (borracho labio rojo, borracho labiorojo), Seriola rivoliana (almaco jack, medregal limón), Canthigaster rostrata (tamboril narizón, sharpnose puffer, tamborín narizón, tamboril narizón, tamborín narizón), Synodus foetens (inshore lizardfish, chile apestoso), Acanthurus coeruleus (cirujano azul, blue tang), Lutjanus argentiventris (pargo amarillo, amarillo snapper), Holacanthus ciliaris (ángel reina, queen angelfish), Pterois volitans, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, Lactophrys triqueter (chapín baqueta, smooth trunkfish), Lagocephalus laevigatus (smooth puffer, botete grande), Acanthurus chirurgus (cirujano rayado, doctorfish), Urobatis jamaicensis (raya redonda de estero, yellow stingray, raya amarilla, raya redonda de estero), Thunnus atlanticus (blackfin tuna, atún aleta negra), Carcharhinus falciformis (tiburón piloto, tiburón piloto, tiburón prieto, tiburón tabasqueño), Albula vulpes (macabí, bonefish macabi), Chaetodipterus faber (chabela, Atlantic spadefish), Brevoortia patronus (sardina lacha, Gulf menhaden), Kajikia albida (white marlin, marlín blanco), Bryx dunckeri, Holacanthus tricolor (chabelita tricolor, rock beauty), Anisotremus virginicus (porkfish, burro payaso), Rhinoptera bonasus (gavilán cubanito, cownose ray, gavilán cubanito, raya gavilán, raya tecolota), Oligoplites saurus (zapatero sietecueros, leatherjack, piña sietecueros, piña sietecueros, zapatero sietecueros), Archosargus rhomboidalis (sargo amarillo, sea bream), Microspathodon chrysurus (yellowtail damselfish, jaqueta coliamarilla), Katsuwonus pelamis (skipjack tuna, barrilete listado), Pareques acuminatus (payasito largo, high-hat), Halichoeres radiatus (puddingwife, doncella azulada), Orthopristis chrysoptera (corocoro armado, pigfish), Parablennius marmoreus (seaweed blenny, borracho marmóreo), Microspathodon bairdii (bumphead damselfish, jaqueta vistosa), Selar crumenophthalmus (chicharro ojón, bigeye scad, charrito ojón, charrito ojón, chicharro ojón), Trachinotus falcatus (permit, pámpano palometa), Labrisomus cricota, Coryphaena hippurus (dorado, dolphinfish), Scarus iseri (striped parrotfish, loro listado), Arothron meleagris (botete aletas punteadas), Echeneis naucrates (rémora rayada, sharksucker), Balistes capriscus (pejepuerco blanco, gray triggerfish), Jenkinsia lamprotaenia (sardinita flaca, dwarf herring), Mycteroperca phenax (scamp, abadejo garropa), Cephalopholis panamensis (cabrilla enjambre), Lagodon rhomboides (sargo salema, xlavitia, pinfish, sargo salema, xlavitia), Chilomycterus schoepfii (pez erizo rayado, striped burrfish, guanábana rayada, guanábana rayada, pez erizo rayado), Selene vomer (jorobado de penacho, lookdown, jorobado penacho, jorobado de penacho, jorobado penacho), Lutjanus vivanus (huachinango ojo amarillo, silk snapper), Haemulon plumierii (chac-chi, white grunt), Acanthocybium solandri (peto, wahoo), Euthynnus alletteratus (little tunny, bacoreta), Clepticus parrae (creole wrasse, doncella mulata), Emblemaria pandionis (sailfin blenny, tubícola dragón), Alphestes afer, Mulloidichthys dentatus (chivo barbón, Mexican goatfish), Urolophus jamaicensis (raya amarilla, raya redonda de estero), Trachinotus goodei (palometa, pámpano listado, palometa, pámpano listado), Syngnathus caribbaeus (pez pipa caribeño, Caribbean pipefish), Menticirrhus americanus (berrugato zorro, southern kingfish), Trinectes maculatus (suela tortilla, hogchoker), Thalassoma lucasanum (Cortez rainbow, wrasse arcoiris de Cortés, arcoiris de Cortés, arcoiris de Cortés, wrasse arcoiris de Cortés), Abudefduf declivifrons (petaca mexicana, Mexican night, sergeant petaca mexicana, petaca mexicana, sergeant petaca mexicana), Mycteroperca bonaci (cherna negrillo, black grouper), Acanthostracion quadricornis (scrawled cowfish, torito cornudo), Dasyatis americana (raya látigo blanca, southern stingray, raya balá, raya látigo blanca), Narcine brasiliensis (raya eléctrica torpedo), Anisotremus surinamensis (black margate, burriquete), Mulloidichthys martinicus (chivo amarillo, yellow goatfish), Trachinotus carolinus (Florida pompano, pámpano amarillo), Stegastes planifrons (threespot damselfish, jaqueta de tres puntos), Phaeoptyx conklini (cardenal pecoso, freckled cardinalfish), Epinephelus labriformis (cabrilla piedrera, flag cabrilla), Symphurus civitatum (offshore tonguefish, lengua gatita), Halichoeres dispilus (chameleon wrasse, señorita camaleón), Ophioblennius steindachneri (Panamic fanged blenny, borracho mono), Istiophorus platypterus (pez vela, sailfish), Apogon maculatus (cardenal manchado, flamefish), Haemulon sciurus (ronco carite, bluestriped grunt), Trachinotus rhodopus (gafftopsail pompano, pámpano fino), Stephanolepis setifer (pygmy filefish, lija de hebra), Eucinostomus havana (mojarra cubana, bigeye mojarra, mojarrita cubana, mojarra cubana, mojarrita cubana), Sparisoma viride (stoplight parrotfish, loro brilloso), Microspathodon dorsalis (giant damselfish, castañuela gigante, jaqueta gigante, castañuela gigante, jaqueta gigante), Engyophrys senta (spiny flounder, lenguado ojicornudo), Caranx sexfasciatus (jurel voráz, bigeye trevally), Cephalopholis cruentata (cherna enjambre, graysby), Caranx crysos (cojinua negra, blue runner, cojinuda negra, cojinua negra, cojinuda negra), Malacoctenus macropus (trambollo rosado), Gymnura micrura (raya cola de rata, smooth butterfly ray), Pomacanthus paru (gallineta negra, French angelfish), Sphoeroides spengleri (bandtail puffer, botete collarete), Halichoeres bivittatus (slippery dick, doncella rayada), Stegastes partitus (bicolor damselfish, jaqueta bicolor), Gastropsetta frontalis (shrimp flounder, lenguado gambero), Porichthys porosissimus, Holocentrus rufus (longspine squirrelfish, candil rufo, ardilla espina larga, ardilla espina larga, candil rufo), Cirrhitus rivulatus (giant hawkfish, chino mero, mero chimo, chino mero, mero chimo), Xyrichtys splendens (cuchillo de lunar), Poecilia sphenops (Mexican molly, topote mexicano), Stephanolepis hispidus (planehead filefish, lija áspera), Alphestes immaculatus (Pacific mutton, guaseta Pacífico, hamlet guaseta del Pacífico, guaseta Pacífico, hamlet guaseta del Pacífico), Albula esuncula (Eastern Pacific Bonefish, macabí del Pacífico oriental), Holocentrus marianum (carajuelo mariano), Halichoeres garnoti (yellowhead wrasse, doncella cabeciamarilla), Hyporthodus mystacinus, Lachnolaimus maximus (hogfish, boquinete), Gymnothorax vicinus (purplemouth moray, morena amarilla), Haemulon maculicauda (burro rasposo, spottail grunt, burrito rasposo, burrito rasposo, burro rasposo), Rhizoprionodon terraenovae (cazón de ley, cazón de ley, tutzún), Bairdiella chrysoura (ronco amarillo, silver perch), Bodianus diplotaenia (Mexican hogfish, vieja mexicana), Etelis oculatus (pargo cachucho, queen snapper), Centropomus ensiferus (robalo de espolón, swordspine snook), Etropus crossotus (fringed flounder, lenguado ribete), Lutjanus cyanopterus (pargo cubera, cubera snapper), Selene peruviana (jorobado espejo, Pacific moonfish, jorobado papelillo, jorobado espejo, jorobado papelillo), Chromis cyanea (blue chromis, castañeta azul), Diapterus rhombeus (rhombic mojarra, mojarra de estero), Chaetodon capistratus (mariposa ocelada, foureye butterflyfish), Sufflamen verres (cochito naranja, orangeside triggerfish), Chloroscombrus chrysurus (casabe, Atlantic bumper, horqueta del Atlántico, casabe, horqueta del Atlántico), Pomadasys crocro (corocoro crocro, burro grunt), Chaetodon striatus (mariposa rayada, banded butterflyfish), Polydactylus virginicus (barbudo barbú, barbu), Mugil trichodon (thoburni mullet, lisa amarilla), Carangoides bartholomaei (cojinua amarilla, cojinuda amarilla), Cypselurus callopterus (beautyfin flyingfish, volador bonito), Sargocentron coruscum (carajuelo de arrecife, reef squirrelfish), Makaira nigricans (Indo-Pacific blue marlin, blue marlin, marlín azul, marlín azul del Indo-Pacífico, marlin azul del Indo-Pacífico, marlín azul), Astrapogon puncticulatus (cardenal punteado, blackfin cardinalfish), Epinephelus guttatus (red hind, cabrilla colorada), Halichoeres maculipinna (clown wrasse, doncella payaso), Carcharhinus brevipinna (tiburón curro, picudo, punta de lápiz, tiburón aleta negra, tiburón curro, tiburón picudo, tiburón punta de lápiz), Hemiramphus balao (balao, agujeta balao, pajarito balajú, agujeta balao, pajarito balajú), Sphoeroides lobatus (longnose puffer, botete verrugoso), Stellifer lanceolatus (corvinilla lanza, star drum), Prionotus punctatus (rubio azul, bluewing searobin), Astrapogon stellatus (conchfish, cardenal del cobo), Rhinobatos lentiginosus (guitarra diablito, guitarra diablito, raya diablito, raya guitarra), Chaetodon ocellatus (mariposa perla amarilla, spotfin butterflyfish), Alectis ciliaris (African pompano, pámpano de hebra), Malacanthus plumieri (sand tilefish, matajuelo blanco), Dasyatis guttata (raya látigo del Golfo, longnose stingray), Epinephelus drummondhayi (speckled hind, mero pintarroja), Scorpaena histrio (escorpión juguetón, player scorpionfish), Cosmocampus elucens (pez pipa aletilla, shortfin pipefish), Holocentrus adscensionis (pez ardilla, squirrelfish, candil de vidrio, candil de vidrio, pez ardilla), Ruvettus pretiosus (oilfish, escolar clavo), Carcharhinus signatus (tiburón nocturno, cazón ojo verde, tiburón nocturno), Bairdiella ronchus (ronco rayado, ground croaker), Aluterus scriptus (scrawled filefish, lija trompa), Johnrandallia nigrirostris (mariposa barbero, barberfish), Liopropoma rubre (cabrilla menta, peppermint basslet), Scomberomorus cavalla (carito, king mackerel), Scomberomorus regalis (cero, sierra), Pomacanthus arcuatus (gallineta café, gray angelfish), Sphyrna mokarran (cornuda gigante, great hammerhead, cornuda blanca, cornuda gigante), Sciaenops ocellatus (corvineta ocelada, red drum), Cynoscion nothus (corvina plateada, silver seatrout), Rachycentron canadum (esmedregal, cobia, cobia, esmedregal), Carapus bermudensis (perlero del Atlántico, pearlfish), Anchoa hepsetus (anchoa legítima, striped anchovy), Hexanchus nakamurai (cazón de seis branquias, bigeye sixgill shark), Lutjanus inermis (pargo rabirrubia, golden snapper), Hypoplectrus ecosur, Malacoctenus triangulatus (saddled blenny, trambollo de montura, trambollo ensillado, trambollo de montura, trambollo ensillado), Chaetodon humeralis (mariposa muñeca, threebanded butterflyfish), Lutjanus peru (huachinango del Pacífico, Pacific red snapper), Pseudupeneus maculatus (chivo manchado, spotted goatfish), Canthidermis sufflamen (sobaco lija, ocean triggerfish), Coryphopterus tortugae, Balistes vetula (cochino, queen triggerfish), Canthidermis maculata (cochito manchado, rough triggerfish), Ogcocephalus radiatus, Malacoctenus gilli (dusky blenny, trambollo pardo), Hypoplectrus providencianus (mero provinciano), Paraclinus fasciatus (banded blenny, trambollito ocelado), Sectator ocyurus (chopa salema, bluestriped chub), Auxis thazard (frigate mackerel, melva), Cantherhines macrocerus, Caranx caballus (jurel bonito, green jack), Synodus saurus, Brotula barbata (Atlantic bearded, brotula brótula, brótula, brotula brótula, brótula), Elacatinus prochilos (broadstripe goby, gobio bordeado), Serranus psittacinus (serrano guaseta, barred serrano), Hypleurochilus bermudensis (barred blenny, borracho de barras, borracho barrado, borracho barrado, borracho de barras), Mycteroperca microlepis (gag, abadejo), Aluterus schoepfii (orange filefish, lija anaranjada, lija naranja, lija anaranjada, lija naranja), Lactophrys trigonus (chapín búfalo, trunkfish), Gymnothorax funebris (morena verde), Prionotus rubio (rubio aletinegra, blackwing searobin), Lutjanus mahogoni (pargo ojón, mahogany snapper), Haemulon album (ronco jallao, margate), Stegastes diencaeus (longfin damselfish, jaqueta miel), Pseudobalistes naufragium (cochito bota, blunthead triggerfish), Synodus intermedius (sand diver, chile manchado), Eucinostomus lefroyi (mottled mojarra, mojarra pinta), Chromis multilineata (brown chromis, castañeta parda), Trinectes inscriptus, Starksia starcki (trambollito clave), Syngnathus springeri, Tylosurus crocodilus (houndfish, agujón lisero, marao lisero, agujón lisero, marao lisero), Sphoeroides nephelus (southern puffer, botete fruta), Nicholsina usta (emerald parrotfish, loro esmeralda), Phaeoptyx pigmentaria (cardenal prieto, dusky cardinalfish), Gobiesox strumosus (cazoleta, skilletfish), Elops smithi (machete malacho, Malacho), Myripristis jacobus (blackbar soldierfish, soldado raya negra, soldado raya, soldado raya, soldado raya negra), Stegastes adustus (dusky damselfish, castañeta prieta, jaqueta prieta, castañeta prieta, jaqueta prieta), Sphyraena guachancho (guaguanche tolete, tolete), Tigrigobius macrodon (gobio tigre), Gramma loreto (fairy basslet, loreto), Calamus leucosteus (pluma golfina, whitebone porgy), Carcharhinus leucas (tiburón toro, tiburón chato, tiburón toro), Anisotremus caesius (silvergray grunt, burro mojarro), Acyrtops beryllinus (emerald clingfish, chupapiedra esmeralda), Symphurus plagiusa (blackcheek tonguefish, lengua gris), Caranx otrynter (cocinero chicuaca, jurel chicuaca), Stegastes variabilis (cocoa damselfish, jaqueta castaña), Priolepis hipoliti (rusty goby, gobio oxidado), Coryphopterus eidolon (pallid goby, gobio pálido), Coryphopterus dicrus (colon goby, gobio dos puntos), Rypticus saponaceus (jabonero grande, greater soapfish), Caranx bartholomaei (cojinua amarilla, yellow jack, cojinuda amarilla, cojinua amarilla, cojinuda amarilla), Epinephelus itajara (goliath grouper, mero guasa, cherna, mero guasa), Halichoeres notospilus (banded wrasse, señorita listada), Gillellus greyae (arrow stargazer, miraestrellas flecha), Equetus lanceolatus (payasito obispo, jackknife-fish), Apogon townsendi (cardenal cincho, belted cardinalfish), Elacatinus oceanops (neon goby, gobio neón), Dasyatis centroura, Epinephelus morio (cherna americana, red grouper, cherna americana, mero rojo), Labrisomus nuchipinnis (hairy blenny, trambollo peludo), Paralichthys albigutta (Gulf flounder, lenguado panzablanca), Lactophrys bicaudalis (chapín pintado, spotted trunkfish), Elagatis bipinnulata (rainbow runner, macarela salmón), Synodus synodus (red lizardfish, chile rojo), Carcharhinus acronotus (tiburón punta negra, canguay, cazón limón, tiburón punta negra), Selene brevoortii (jorobado antena, Mexican lookdown, jorobado mexicano, jorobado antena, jorobado mexicano), Selene setapinnis (jorobado lamparosa, Atlantic moonfish, jorobado caballa, jorobado caballa, jorobado lamparosa), Carcharhinus perezii (tiburón coralino, tiburón coralino, tiburón de arrecife), Gymnothorax ocellatus (ocellated moray, morena ocelada), Coryphopterus venezuelae, Bothus lunatus (peacock flounder, lenguado lunado), Hypoplectrus unicolor (butter hamlet, mero mantequilla), Mugil liza, Hypoplectrus nigricans (black hamlet, mero carbonero), Lutjanus buccanella (pargo sesí, blackfin snapper), Serranus tigrinus (serrano arlequín, harlequin bass), Haemulon macrostoma (ronco español, Spanish grunt), Sphyrna lewini (cornuda común), Aetobatus narinari (chucho pintado, ray chucho pintado, spotted eagle, chucho, chucho pintado, ray chucho pintado, raya pinta, raya vampiro, águila de mar), Seriola fasciata (lesser amberjack, medregal listado), Aulostomus maculatus (pez trompeta), Menticirrhus littoralis (berrugato del Golfo, Gulf kingfish), Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (glasseye snapper, catalufa roquera, ojón de roca, catalufa roquera, ojón de roca), Gadus chalcogrammus, Scarus croicensis (loro listado), Apogon aurolineatus (cardenal frenado, bridle cardinalfish), Mycteroperca venenosa (guacamayo, yellowfin grouper), Seriola dumerili (greater amberjack, medregal coronado), Hyporhamphus roberti (agujeta larga), Diodon hystrix (pez erizo pecoso, porcupinefish pez, erizo pecoso, erizo pecoso, pez erizo pecoso), Pomatomus saltatrix (pez azul, bluefish, anjova, anjova, pez azul), Antennarius striatus (striated frogfish, ranisapo estriado), Menidia menidia, Anchoa lamprotaenia (anchoa ojuda, bigeye anchovy), Fundulus grandissimus (giant killifish, sardinilla gigante), Gobiosoma yucatanum (Yucatan goby, gobio yucateco), Himantura schmardae (raya coluda caribeña, raya coluda caribeña, raya lebiza, raya lija), Hippocampus zosterae (dwarf seahorse, caballito enano), Calamus penna (pluma manchada, sheepshead porgy), Lupinoblennius vinctus (mangrove blenny, borracho alargado)
Infraspecificname Cyprinodon variegatus subsp. variegatus (bolín)


起始日期 / 結束日期 1984-03-03 / 2014-07-05


En este proyecto se trabajará con 21 colecciones de ECOSUR las cuales se encuentran distribuidas en tres sedes. En Chetumal se tienen 11 colecciones (Zooplancton, Ictioplancton, Poliquetos, Nemátodos, Corales, Hormigas, Mariposas, Peces, Anfibios y reptiles, Aves y Mamíferos marinos), en San Cristóbal de las Casas 6 (Insectos, Abejas, Peces, Anfibios y reptiles, Mamíferos y un Herbario) y en Tapachula 4 (Insectos, Arañas, Herbario y Hongos). Para un mejor mantenimiento y uso de las colecciones, se hará trabajo curatorial en cada una de ellas y se actualizarán sus bases de datos, las cuales serán administradas por una Unidad de Bioinformática. Todas las especies registradas en las 21 colecciones de ECOSUR que participan en este proyecto, contarán con fotografías de alta calidad para su uso en identificaciones taxonómicas. Para lograr esta meta, se contará con la participación de 16 investigadores y 7 técnicos contratados por ECOSUR, además de 9 capturistas y 14 técnicos externos y una responsable de la Unidad de Bioinformática que se contratarán con recursos de este financiamiento. También se tendrá la participación de 13 taxónomos invitados y se comprará equipo necesario para el trabajo curatorial en estas 21 colecciones. Al término del proyecto se espera tener más de 98 145 registros en bases de datos administradas por la Unidad de Bioinformática, con datos de más de 5,000 especies de más de 1,000 localidades.

計畫名稱 Fortalecimiento de las colecciones de ECOSUR. Primera fase (Peces Chetumal)
辨識碼 SNIB-ME006-ME0061702F_peces_CH_SIB.2017.04.10-ND
經費來源 Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO)
研究區域描述 Peces cartilaginosos: tiburones, quimeras, rayas, mantarrayas óseos como anchoas, anguilas, arenques, atunes, bacalaos, bagres, caballitos de mar, carpas, lenguados, merluzas, meros, mojarras, morenas, percas, peces globo, pejelagartos, pirañas, plecos, rémoras, sardinas, salmones, truchas


María del Carmen Pozo de la Tijera
  • Content Provider


蒐藏名稱 Banco de tejidos de peces;ECO-CH-TP;El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Chetumal;ECOSUR
蒐藏編號 SNIB-ME006-ME0061702F_peces_CH_SIB.2017.04.10-ND
上層採集品識別碼 NO APLICA
蒐藏名稱 Colección de Peces;ECO-SC-P;El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad San Cristóbal de las Casas;ECOSUR
蒐藏編號 SNIB-ME006-ME0061702F_peces_CH_SIB.2017.04.10-ND
上層採集品識別碼 NO APLICA
蒐藏名稱 Colección de Peces;ECO-CH-P;El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Chetumal;ECOSUR
蒐藏編號 SNIB-ME006-ME0061702F_peces_CH_SIB.2017.04.10-ND
上層採集品識別碼 NO APLICA
蒐藏名稱 Colección de Referencia de Peces;CRPCIAD;Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo A. C.;CIAD
蒐藏編號 SNIB-ME006-ME0061702F_peces_CH_SIB.2017.04.10-ND
上層採集品識別碼 NO APLICA
蒐藏名稱 Colección Ictiológica;UANL;Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León;FCB-UANL
蒐藏編號 SNIB-ME006-ME0061702F_peces_CH_SIB.2017.04.10-ND
上層採集品識別碼 NO APLICA
蒐藏名稱 Colección Ictiológica;CINV-NEC;Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Unidad Mérida, Instituto Politécnico Nacional;CINVESTAV-IPN
蒐藏編號 SNIB-ME006-ME0061702F_peces_CH_SIB.2017.04.10-ND
上層採集品識別碼 NO APLICA
標本保存方法 Alcohol
管理單位 在...之間 1 和 1,331 Ejemplar


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  534. Russell, R. J. 1953. Description of a new armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) from Mexico with remarks on geographic variation of the species. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 66: 21-26.
  535. Merriam, C. H. 1897. Description of a new Bassariscus from Lower California, with remarks on "Bassaris raptor" Baird. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 11: 185-187.
  536. Merriam, C. H. 1887. Description of a new mouse from New Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 4: 5-7.
  537. Bangs, O. 1903. Description of a new Neotoma from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 16: 89-90.
  538. Merriam, C. H. 1886. Description of a new species of bat from the western United States (Vespertilio ciliolabrum sp. nov. ). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 4: 2.
  539. Benson, S. B. 1947. Description of a subspecies of Myotis yumanensis from Baja California, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 60: 45-46.
  540. Merriam, C. H. 1893. Descriptions of eight new ground squirrels of the genera Spermophilus and Tamias from California, Texas, and Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 8: 129-138.
  541. Nelson, E. W. 1904. Descriptions of seven new rabbits from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 17: 103-110.
  542. Merriam, C. H. 1900. Description of two new mammals from California. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 13: 151-152.
  543. Benson, S. B. 1939. Descriptions and records of harvest mice (genus Reithrodontomys) from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 52: 147-150.
  544. Townsend, C. H. 1897. Descriptions of a new eagle from Alaska and a new squirrel from Lower California. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 11: 145-146.
  545. Merriam, C. H. 1888. Description of a new fox from southern California. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 4: 135-138.
  546. Merriam, C. H. 1892. Description of a new genus and species of murine rodent (Xenomys nelsoni) from the state of Colima, western Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 7: 159-163.
  547. Merriam, C. H. 1900. Description of a new harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys) from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 13: 152.
  548. Merriam, C. H. 1892. Description of a new prairie dog (Cynomys mexicanus) from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 7: 157-158.
  549. Elliot, D. G. 1905. Descriptions of apparently new species and subspecies of mammals from Mexico and Santo Domingo. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 18: 233-236.
  550. Merriam, C. H. 1897. Descriptions of five new shrews from Mexico, Guatemala, and Colombia. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 11: 227-230.
  551. Merriam, C. H. 1901. Descriptions of four new peccaries from México. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 119-124.
  552. Handley, C. O. 1966. Descriptions of new bats (Choeroniscus and Rhinophylla) from Colombia. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 79: 83-88.
  553. Nelson, E. W. 1907. Descriptions of new North American rabbits. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 20: 81-84.
  554. Nelson, E. W. 1904. Descriptions of new squirrels from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 17: 147-150.
  555. Merriam, C. H. 1892. Descriptions of nine new mammals collected by E. W. Nelson in the states of Colima and Jalisco, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 7: 164-174.
  556. Howell, A. H. 1928. Descriptions of six new North American ground squirrels. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 41: 211-214.
  557. Merriam, C. H. 1914. Descriptions of thirty apparently new grizzly and brown bears from North America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 27: 173-196.
  558. Merriam, C. H. 1901. Descriptions of twenty three new pocket gophers of the genus Thomomys. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 107-117.
  559. Merriam, C. H. 1897. Descriptions of two new murine opossums from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 11: 43-44.
  560. Nelson, E. W. 1901. Descriptions of two new squirrels from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 131-132.
  561. Merriam, C. H. 1898. Descriptions of two new subgenera and three new species of Microtus from Mexico and Guatemala. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 12: 105-108.
  562. Nelson, E. W. 1907. Descriptions of two new subspecies of North American mammals. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 20: 87-88.
  563. Hooper, E. T. 1950. Descriptions of two subspecies of harvest mice (Genus Reithrodontomys) from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 63: 167-170.
  564. Benson, S. B. & Tillotson, D. F. 1939. Descriptions of two subspecies of pocket gopher (Thomomys bottae) from Sonora. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 52: 151-154.
  565. Merriam, C. H. 1903. Eigth new mammals from the United States. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 16: 73-78.
  566. Goldman, E. A. 1915. Five new mammals from Mexico and Arizona. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 28: 133-138.
  567. Dickey, D. R. 1928. Five new mammals of the rodent geneta Sciurus, Orthogeomys, Heterogeomys and Rheomys from El Salvador. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 41: 7-14.
  568. Goldman, E. A. 1915. Five new rice rats of the genus Oryzomys from Middle America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 28: 127-130.
  569. Goldman, E. A. 1933. Five new rodents from Arizona and New Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 46: 71-77.
  570. Jackson, H. H. T. 1933. Five new shrews of the genus Cryptotis from Mexico and Guatemala. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 46: 79-82.
  571. Goldman, E. A. 1909. Five new woodrats of the genus Neotoma from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 22: 139-142.
  572. Merriam, C. H. 1904. Four new bears from North America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 17: 153-156.
  573. Merriam, C. H. 1904. Four new grasshopper mice, genus Onychomys. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 17: 123-126.
  574. Merriam, C. H. 1903. Four new mammals, including a new genus (Teanopus), from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 16: 79-82.
  575. Osgood, W. H. 1907. Four new pocket mice. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 20: 19-22.
  576. Merriam, C. H. 1898. Mammals of Tres Marias Islands, off western México. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 12: 13-19.
  577. Merriam, C. H. 1897. Nelsonia neotomodon, a new genus and species of murine rodent from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 11: 277-279.
  578. Merriam, C. H. 1904. New and little known kangaroo rats of the genus Perodipus. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 17: 139-146.
  579. Hollister, N. 1914. New mammals from Costa Rica and Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 27: 209-210.
  580. Goldman, E. A. 1917. New mammals from North and Middle America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 30: 107-116.
  581. Jackson, H. H. T. 1914. New moles of the genus Scalopus. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 27: 19-22.
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  697. Goodwin, G. G. 1955. Two new white-footed mice from Oaxaca, Mexico. American Museum Novitates. 1732: 1-5.
  698. Rhoads, S. H. 1894. Descriptions of four new species and two subspecies of white-footed mice from the United States and British Columbia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 46: 253-261.
  699. Woodhouse, S. W. 1853. Description of a new species of mouse, of the genus Hesperomys, Waterhouse. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 6: 242.
  700. Wagner, J. A. 1845. Diagnosen einiger neuen Arten von Nagern und Handflüglern. Archiv für Naturgeschichte Wiegmann. 11: 145-149.
  701. Webb, R. G. & Baker, R. H. 1969. Vertebrados terrestres del suroeste de Oaxaca. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 40: 139-152.
  702. Bradley, R. D., Carroll, D. S., Haynie, M. L., Muñiz Martínez, R., Hamilton, M. J. & Kilpatrick, W. L. 2004. A new species of Peromyscus from western México. Journal of Mammalogy. 85: 11184-1193.
  703. Allen, J. A. 1899. Descriptions of five new American rodents. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 12: 11-17.
  704. Mearns, E. A. 1890. Descriptions of supposed new species and subspecies of mammals from Arizona. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 2: 277-307.
  705. Allen, J. A. 1901. Descriptions of two new opossums of the genus Metachirus. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 14: 213-218.
  706. Allen, J. A. 1900. List of bats collected by Mr. H. H. Smith in Santa Marta Region of Colombia, with descriptions of new subspecies. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 13: 87-94.
  707. Allen, J. A. 1893. List of mammals and birds collected in northeastern Sonora and norwstern Chihuahua, Mexico, on the Lumholtz Archaeological Expedition 1890-92. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 5: 27-42.
  708. Allen, J. A. 1903. List of mammals collected by Mr. J. H. Batty in New Mexico and Durango, with descriptions of new species and subspecies. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 19: 587-612.
  709. Miller, G. S. Jr. 1912. List of North American land mammals in the United States National Museum, 1911. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 79: 1-455.
  710. Townsend, C. H. 1912. Mammals collected by the "Albatross" Expedition in Lower California in 1911, with descrptions of new species. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 31: 117-130.
  711. Allen, J. A. 1904. Mammals from southern Mexico and Central and South America. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 20: 29-80.
  712. Allen, J. A. 1906. Mammals from the states of Sinaloa and Jalisco, Mexico, collected by J. H. Batty during 1904 and 1905. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 22: 191-262.
  713. Anderson, S. 1972. Mammals of Chihuahua, taxonomy and distribution. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 148: 151-410.
  714. Goodwin, G. G. 1946. Mammals of Costa Rica. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 87: 271-474.
  715. Goodwin, G. G. 1942. Mammals of Honduras. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 79: 107-195.
  716. Allen, J. A. 1904. New bats from tropical America, with notes on species of Otopterus. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 20: 227-237.
  717. Allen, J. A. 1914. New South American bats and a new octodont. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 33: 381-389.
  718. Allen, J. A. 1902. Nomenclatorial notes on American mammals. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 16: 159-168.
  719. Allen, J. A. 1889. Notes on a collection of mammals from southern Mexico, with descriptions of a new species of the genera Sciurus, Tamias, and Sigmodon. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 2: 165-181.
  720. Allen, J. A. 1890. Notes on collections of mammals made in central and southern Mexico, by Dr. Audley C. Buller, with descriptions of new species of the genera Vespertilio, Sciurus, and Lepus. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 3: 175-194.
  721. Allen, J. A. 1919. Notes on the synonymy and nomenclature of the smaller spotted cats of tropical America. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 41: 357.
  722. Allen, J. A. & Chapman, F. M. 1897. On a collection of mammals from Jalapa and Las Vigas, state of Veracruz, Mexico. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 9: 197-208.
  723. Allen, J. A. 1891. On a collection of mammals from southern Texas and northeastern in Mexico. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 3: 219-228.
  724. Allen, J. A. 1893. On a collection of mammals from the San Pedro Martir region of Lower California, with notes on other species, particulary of the genus Sitomys. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 5: 181-202.
  725. Allen, J. A. & Chapman, F. M. 1897. On mammals from Yucatan, with descriptions of new species. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 9: 1-12.
  726. Allen, J. A. 1895. On the species of the genus Reithrodontomys. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 7: 107-143.
  727. Allen, J. A. 1901. The generic names of Mephitinae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 14: 325-334.
  728. Allen, J. A. 1916. The neotropical weasels. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 35: 86-111.
  729. Rovirosa, J. N. 1885. Apuntes para la zoología de Tabasco, vertebrados observados en el territorio de Macuspana. La Naturaleza. 7: 345-389.
  730. Dugés, A. 1870. Catálogo de animales vertebrados observados en la Republica Mexicana. La Naturaleza. 1(1:) 137-145.
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  732. Sumichrast, F. 1881. Enumeración de las especies de mamíferos, aves, reptiles y batracios observados en la parte central y meridional de la República Mexicana. La Naturaleza. 5: 199-214, 322-338.
  733. Herrera, A. L. 1890. Notas acerca de los vertebrados del Valle de México. La Naturaleza. 2(1): 299-342.
  734. Herrera, A. L. 1882. Quirópteros de México. La Naturaleza. 5: 218-226, 298-300.
  735. Coues, E. 1887. Subfamilia Mephitinae: las mofetas o zorrillos. La Naturaleza. 7: 242-256, 289-306.
  736. Allen, J. A. 1890. Variaciones geográficas en los mamíferos norteamericanos especialmente al tamaño. La Naturaleza. 2: 404.
  737. Gaumer, G. F. 1917. Monografía de los mamíferos de Yucatán. Departamento de Talleres Gráficos de la Secretaría de Fomento. México. 332 pp.
  738. True, F. W. 1885. A provisional list of the mammals of North America and Central America, and West Indian Islands. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 7: 587-611.
  739. Hahn, W. L. 1907. A review of the bats of the genus Hemiderma. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 32.
  740. Handley, C. O. 1959. A revision of American bats of the genera Euderma and Plecotus. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 110: 95-246.
  741. Hollister, N. 1914. A systematic account of the grasshopper mice. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 47: 427-489.
  742. Ferrari-Pérez, F. 1886. Catalogue of animals collected by the Geographical and Exploring Commission of the Republic of Mexico. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 9: 125-199.
  743. Handley, C. O. 1960. Description of new bats from Panama. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 112: 459-479.
  744. Allen, J. A. 1891. Descriptions of two supposed new species of mice from Costa Rica and Mexico, with remarks on Hesperomys melanophrys of Coues. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 14: 193-195.
  745. True, F. W. 1884. Diagnosis of North American mammals. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 17: 241-243.
  746. True, F. W. 1894. Diagnosis of some undescribed wood rats (genus Neotoma) in the National Museum. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 17: 353-355.
  747. Hershkovitz, P. 1949. Mammals of northern Colombia. Preliminary report No. 5 bats (Chiroptera). Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 99: 429-454.
  748. Mearns, E. A. 1897. Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals of the genera Lynx, Urocyon, Spilogale, and Mephitis, from the from the Mexican boundary line. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 20: 457-461.
  749. Mearns, E. A. 1897. Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals of the genera Mephitis, Dorcelaphus, and Dicotyles, from the Mexican border of the United Sates. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 20: 467-471.
  750. Mearns, E. A. 1897. Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals of the genera Sciurus, Castor, Neotoma, and Sigmodon, from the Mexican border of the United Sates. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 20: 501-505.
  751. Kellogg, R. & Goldman, E. A. 1944. Review of the spider monkeys. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 96.
  752. Miller, G. S. Jr. 1913. Revision of the bats of the genus Glossophaga. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 46: 413-429.
  753. Bangs, O. 1900. A new jack rabbit from western Mexico. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club. 1: 85-86.
  754. Lawrence, B. 1947. A new race of Oryzomys from Tamaulipas. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club. 24: 101-103.
  755. Goldman, E. A. 1913. Descriptions of new mammals from Panama and Mexico. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection. 60: 1-20.
  756. Thomas, O. 1902. On some mammals from Coiba Island, off the best coast of Panama. Novitates Zoologicae. 9: 135-137.
  757. Freeman, P. W. 1981. A multivariate study of the Family Molossidae (Mammalia, Chiroptera): morphology, ecology, evolution. Fieldiana: Zoology. 7: 1-173.
  758. de La Torre, L. 1955. Bats from Guerrero, Jalisco and Oaxaca, Mexico. Fieldiana: Zoology. 37: 695-701.
  759. Dalquest, W. W. 1953. Mammals of the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi. Louisiana State University Studies, Biological Science Series. 1: 1-229.
  760. Hooper, E. T. 1948. A list of the named forms of the pocket gopher genus Cratogeomys. Journal of Mammalogy. 29: 301-303.
  761. Goldman, E. A. 1932. A new beaver from Arizona. Journal of Mammalogy. 13: 266-267.
  762. Davis, W. B. 1955. A new four-toed anteater from Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 36: 557-559.
  763. Goldman, E. A. 1939. A new mule deer from Sonora. Journal of Mammalogy. 20: 496-497.
  764. Hall, E. R. 1932. A new shrew of the Sorex merriami group from Arizona. Journal of Mammalogy. 13(3): 259-262.
  765. Bogan, M. A. 1978. A new species of Myotis from the Islas Tres Marias, Nayarit, Mexico, with comments on variation in Myotis nigricans. Journal of Mammalogy. 59: 519-530.
  766. Lee, M. R. & Schmidl, D. J. 1977. A new species of Peromyscus (Rodentia: Muridae) from Coahuila, Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 58: 263-268.
  767. Roth, E. L. 1976. A new species of pocket mouse (Perognathus: Heteromyidae) from the Cape Region of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 57: 562-566.
  768. Phillips, C. J. & Jones, J. K., Jr. 1971. A new subspecies of the long-nosed bat, Hylonycteris underwoodi from Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 52: 77-80.
  769. Nelson, E. W. & Goldman, E. A. 1929. A new wolf from Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 10: 165-166.
  770. Hatfield, D. M. 1936. A revision of the Pipistrellus hesperus group of bats. Journal of Mammalogy. 17: 257-262.
  771. Jones, J. K., Jr. & Álvarez, S. T. 1964. Additional records of mammals from the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi. Journal of Mammalogy. 45: 302-303.
  772. Grinnell, J. 1926. Critical examination of the meadow mice of Lower California. Journal of Mammalogy. 7: 221-226.
  773. Robbins, L. W. & Sarich, V. M. 1988. Evolutionary relationships in the Family Emballonuridae (Chiroptera). Journal of Mammalogy. 69: 4.
  774. Baker, R. H. 1966. Further notes on mammals of Durango, Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 47: 344-345.
  775. Hoffmeister, D. F. & de La Torre, L. 1961. Geographic variation in the mouse Peomyscus difficilis. Journal of Mammalogy. 42: 1-13.
  776. Findley, J. S. 1960. Identify if the long-eared Myotis of the southwest and Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 41: 16-20.
  777. Nelson, E. W. & Goldman, E. A. 1929. List of the pumas, with three described as new. Journal of Mammalogy. 10: 345-350.
  778. Davis, W. B. & Russell, R. J. 1954. Mammals of the Mexican state of Morelos. Journal of Mammalogy. 35: 63-80.
  779. Davis, W. B. & Lukens, P. W. Jr. 1958. Mammals of the Mexican state of Guerrero, exclusive of Chiroptera and Rodentia. Journal of Mammalogy. 39: 347-367.
  780. Twente, J. W. & Baker, J. R. 1951. New records of mammals from Jalisco, Mexico from barn owl pellets. Journal of Mammalogy. 32: 120-121.
  781. Hatt, R. T. 1938. Notes concerning mammals collected in Yucatan. Journal of Mammalogy. 19: 333-337.
  782. Hardy, R. 1949. Notes on mammals from Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. Journal of Mammalogy. 30: 434-435.
  783. Davis, W. B. 1944. Notes on Mexican Mammals. Journal of Mammalogy. 25: 370-403.
  784. Hooper, E. T. 1947. Notes on Mexican Mammals. Journal of Mammalogy. 28: 40-57.
  785. Hooper, E. T. 1952. Notes on mice of the species Peromyscus boylei and P. pectoralis. Journal of Mammalogy. 33: 371-378.
  786. Jones, J. K., Jr. & Genoways, H. H. 1969. Notes on pocket gophers from Jalisco, Mexico, with descriptions of two new subspecies. Journal of Mammalogy. 50: 748-755.
  787. Hooper, E. T. 1952. Notes on the pygmy mouse (Baiomys), with description of a new subspecies from Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 33: 90-97.
  788. Nelson, E. W. & Goldman, E. A. 1934. Pocket gophers of the genus Thomomys of Mexican mainland and bordering territory. Journal of Mammalogy. 15: 105-124.
  789. Davis, W. B. 1965. Review of the Eptesicus brasiliensis complex in Middle America with the description of a new subspecies from costa Rica. Journal of Mammalogy. 46: 229-240.
  790. Davis, W. B. 1968. Review of the genus Uroderma (Chiroptera). Journal of Mammalogy. 49: 676-698.
  791. Goldman, E. A. 1939. Review of the pocket gophers of the genus Platygeomys. Journal of Mammalogy. 20: 87-93.
  792. Williams, S. L., Willig, M. R. & Reid, F. A. 1995. Review of the Tonatia bidens complex (Mammalia: Chiroptera), with descriptions of two new subspecies. Journal of Mammalogy. 76: 612-626.
  793. Nelson, E. W. & Goldman, E. A. 1933. Revision of the jaguars. Journal of Mammalogy. 14: 221-240.
  794. Diersing, V. E. & Hoffmeister, D. F. 1977. Revision of the shrews Sorex merriami and a description of a new species of the subgenus Sorex. Journal of Mammalogy. 58: 321-333.
  795. Findley, J. S. & Jones, C. 1967. Taxonomic relationships of bats of the species Myotis fortidens, M. lucifugus, and M. occultus. Journal of Mammalogy. 48: 429-444.
  796. Sanborn, C. C. 1932. The bats of the genus Eumops. Journal of Mammalogy. 13: 347-357.
  797. Goldman, E. A. & Moore, R. T. 1946. The biotic provinces of Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 26: 347-360.
  798. Davis, W. B. 1970. The large fruits bats (genus Artibeus) of Middle America, with a review of the Artibeus jamaicensis complex. Journal of Mammalogy. 51: 105-122.
  799. Cowan, I. M. 1933. The mule deer of southern California and northern Lower California as a recognizable race. Journal of Mammalogy. 14: 326-327.
  800. Bennett, E. T. 1833. Characters of new species of Mammalia from California. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1: 39-42.
  801. Gray, J. E. 1857. Notice of a new species of jaguar from Mazatlan living in the gardens of the Zoological Society. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1857: 278.
  802. Thomas, O. 1890. On a collection of mammals from central Veracruz, Mexico. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 11: 71-76.
  803. Tomes, R. F. 1863. On a new genus and species of leaf-nosed bats in the Museum at Fort Pitt. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1862: 81-84.
  804. Lydekker, R. 1898. On a new mule deer. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1897, Pt 4: 899-900.
  805. Thomas, O. 1882. On a small collection of mammalia from central Mexico. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1882: 371-372.
  806. Alston, E. R. 1877. On an undescribed shrew from Central America. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1877: 445-446.
  807. Alston, E. R. 1878. On the squirrels of the Neotropical Region. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 2: 655-670.
  808. Tomes, R. F. 1856. On three genera of Vespertilionidae, Furipterus, Natalus and Hylonycterys, with the description of two new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 176: 172-181.
  809. Alston, E. R. 1876. On two new species of Hesperomys. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 44(1): 755-757.
  810. Tomes, R. F. 1861. Report of a collection of mammals made by Osbert Salvin, at Dueñas, Guatemala, with notes on some of the species, by Mr. Fraserie. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 29: 278-288.
  811. Gray, J. E. 1868. Synopsis of the species of Saccomyinae or pouched mice, in the collection of the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1868: 199-206.
  812. Pohle, H. 1920. Die unterfamilie der Lutrinae. Archiv für Naturgeschichte Wiegmann. 85 A: 1-247.
  813. Merriam, C. H. 1901. Preliminary revision of the pumas (Felis concolor group). Proceedings of Washington Academy of Sciences. 3: 577-600.
  814. Bailey, V. 1915. Revision of the pocket gophers of the genus Thomomys. North American Fauna. 39: 1-136.
  815. Osgood, W. H. 1900. Revision of the pocket mice of the genus Perognathus. North American Fauna. 18: 1-72.
  816. Merriam, C. H. 1895. Revision of the shrews of the American genera Blarina and Notiosorex. North American Fauna. 10: 1-34.
  817. Howell, A. H. 1901. Revision of the skunks of the genus Chincha. North American Fauna. 20: 1-62.
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  819. Goldman, E. A. 1911. Revision of the spiny pocket mice (genera Heteromys and Liomys). North American Fauna. 34: 1-70.
  820. Goldman, E. A. 1910. Revision of the wood rats of the genus Neotoma. North American Fauna. 31: 1-124.
  821. Merriam, C. H. 1895. Synopsis of the American shrews of the genus Sorex. North American Fauna. 10: 57-124.
  822. Merriam, C. H. 1896. Synopsis of the weasels of North America. North American Fauna. 11: 1-44.
  823. Miller, G. S. Jr. 1895. The long-tailed shrews of the eastern United States. North American Fauna. 10: 35-56.
  824. Nelson, E. W. 1909. The rabbits of North America. North American Fauna. 29: 1-314.
  825. Goldman, E. A. 1918. The rice rats of North America (genus Oryzomys). North American Fauna. 43: 1-100.
  826. Elliot, D. G. 1905. A check list of mammals of the North American continent the West Indies and the neighboring seas. Field Columbian Museum Publication. Zoological Series. 6: 1-761.
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  828. Huey, L. M. 1945. The pocket gophers of Baja California, Mexico, with descriptions of nine new forms. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. 10: 245-268.
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  830. Huey, L. M. 1930. Two new pocket mice of the spinatus group and one of the longimembris group. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. 6: 231-233.
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  833. Yates, T. L., Baker, R. J. & Barnett, R. K. 1979. Phylogenetic analyisis of karyological variation in three genera of Peromyscus rodents. Systematic Zoology. 28.
  834. Dalquest, W. W. 1950. Records of mammals from the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University. 23: 1-15.
  835. Starret, A. & de La Torre, L. 1964. Notes on a collection of bats from Central América, with the third record for Cyttarops alecto Thomas. Zoologica, New York Zoological Society. 49: 53-63.
  836. Villa-Ramírez, B. 1955. Cynomops malagai sp. nov. y género nuevo para la fauna de murciélagos de México. Acta Zoológica Mexicana. 1: 1-6.
  837. Gardner, A. L. 1962. A new bat of the genus Glossophaga from Mexico. Contributions in Science, Los Angeles County Museum. 54: 1-7.
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  847. Webster, W. D. & Jones, J. K., Jr. 1980. Taxonomic and nomenclatorial notes on bats of the genus Glossophaga in North America, with description of a new species. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. 71: 1-12.
  848. Allen, J. A. 1894. On the mammals of Aransas County, Texas, with the descriptions of new forms of Lepus and Oryzomys. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 6: 165-198.
  849. Allen, J. A. 1898. Nomenclatorial notes on certain North American mammals. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 10: 449-461.
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  852. Merriam, C. H. 1897. A new fur-seal or sea-bear (Arctocephalus townsendi) from Guadalupe Island, off Lower California. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 11: 175-178.
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  899. Handley, C. O. 1966. Descriptions of new bats (Chiroderma and Artibeus) from Mexico. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 36: 297-301.
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  926. Hall, E. R. & Dalquest, W. W. 1950. Geographic range of the hooded skunk, Mephitis macroura, with description of a new subspecies from Mexico. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. 1: 575-580.
  927. Russell, R. J. & Baker, R. H. 1955. Geographic variation in the pocket gopher Cratogeomys castanops in Coahuila, Mexico. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. 7: 591-608.
  928. Jones, J. K., Jr. & Lawlor, T. E. 1965. Mammals from Isla Cozumel, Mexico with description of a new species of harvest mouse. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. 16: 409-419.
  929. Baker, R. H. 1951. Mammals from Tamaulipas, Mexico. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. 5: 207-218.
  930. Hall, E. R. 1951. Mammals obtained by Dr. Curt von Wedel from the Barrier Beach of Tamaulipas, Mexico. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. 5: 33-47.
  931. Russell, R. J. 1968. Revision of pocket gophers of the genus Pappogeomys. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. 16: 581-776.
  932. Packard, R. L. 1960. Speciation and evolution of the pygmy mice, genus Baiomys. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. 9: 579-670.
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  945. Goodwin, G. G. 1955. New tree-climbing rats from Mexico and Colombia. American Museum Novitates. 1738: 1-5.
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  949. Tate, G. H. H. 1932. The taxonomic history of the Neotropical cricetid genera Holochilus, Nectomys, Scapteromys, Megalomys, Tylomys and Ototylomys. American Museum Novitates. 562: 1-19.
  950. Goodwin, G. G. 1940. Three new bats from Honduras and the first record of Enchistenes harti (Thomas) for North America. American Museum Novitates. 1075: 1-4.
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  952. Coues, E. 1877. Precursory notes on American insectivorous mammals, with descriptions of new species. Bulletin of the U. S. Geological Survey Territories. 3: 631-653.
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  955. Osgood, W. H. 1938. A new woodrat from Mexico. Field Museum of Natural History. Zoological Series. 20: 475-476.
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  958. Baker, R. H. 1967. A new subspecies of pallid bat (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from northeastern Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist. 12: 329-330.
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  960. Pine, R. H. 1966. Baeodon meyeri (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) a new species of bat from Veracruz. Southwestern Naturalist. 11: 308-310.
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  964. Diersing, V. E. 1980. Systematics of flying squirrels, Glaucomys volans (Linnaeus), from Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. Southwestern Naturalist. 25: 157-172.
  965. Hoffmeister, D. F. 1974. The taxonomic status of Perognathus penicillatus minimus Burt. Southwestern Naturalist. 19: 213-214.
  966. Stone, W. & Rehn, J. A. G. 1903. On a terrestrial vertebrates of portions of southern New Mexico and westen Texas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 55: 16-34.
  967. Coues, E. 1875. Synopsis of the Geomyidae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 3: 130-138.
  968. Coues, E. 1874. Synopsis of the Muridae of North America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 26(3): 173-196.
  969. Hall, E. R. & Álvarez, S. T. 1961. A new subspecies of pocket gopher (Heterogeomys) from northern Veracruz. Anales de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, I. P. N. 10: 121-122.
  970. Ward, H. L. 1904. A study in the variations of proportions in bats, with brief notes on some of the species mentioned. Transactions of Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Art and Letters. 14: 630-654.
  971. Allen, H. 1890. Description of a new species of Macrotus. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 28: 72-74.
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  988. Baker, R. J. & McDaniel, V. R. 1972. A new subspecies of Uroderma bilobatum (Chiroptera: Phyllostomatidae) from Middle America. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. 7: 1-4.
  989. Davis, W. B. & Carter, D. C. 1978. A review of the round-eared bats of the Tonatia silvicola complex, with descriptions of three new taxa. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. 53: 1-12.
  990. Hollander R. R. & Willig, M. R. 1992. Description of a new subspecies of the southern grasshopper mouse, Onychomys torridus, from western Mexico. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. 148: 1-4.
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  1000. Hoffmeister, D. F. & Krutzsch, P. H. 1955. A new subspecies of Myotis evotis (H. Allen) from southeastern Arizona and Mexico. Natural History Miscellanea, Chicago Academy of Science. 151: 1-4.
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  1009. Bryant, W. E. 1891. Preliminary description of a new species of the genus Lepus from Mexico. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 2(3): 92.
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  1213. Wied-Neuwied, M. A. P. Prinz Von. 1825-1833. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte von Brasilien. II Mammalia. Saugthiere. 2. Grossherzogl Sächs. priv. Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs. Weimar im Verlage des. 1-620 pp.
  1214. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, É. 1810. Sur les Phyllostomes et les Mégadermes, deus genres de la famille des chauve-souris. Annals du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. 15: 157-198.
  1215. Wagner, J. A. 1840. Die Säugethiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschriebungen von Dr. Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber, Supplementband, Erst Abtheilung. [Part one of Wagner's supplement to Schreber's multivolume work]. Expedition des Esper'sachen. 1: VI+558.
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  1217. Peters, W. C. H. 1866. Zur Kenntniss der Fledethiere, namentlich über Arten des Leidener und Britischen Museums. Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1866: 672-681. Königliches akademie der Wissenscheften. Berlín, Alemania.
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  1219. Koopman, K. F. & Williams, E. E. 1951. Fossil Chiroptera collected by H. E. Anthony in Jamaica, 1919-1920. American Museum Novitates. 1519: 1-29.
  1220. Peters, W. C. H. 1865. Über die zu den Vampyri gehörigen Fledethiere un über die natürliche Stellung der Gattug Antrozous. Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1865: 503-524. Königliches akademie der Wissenscheften. Berlín, Alemania.
  1221. Miller, G. S. Jr. 1907. The families and genera of bats. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 57: 1-282.
  1222. Peters, W. C. H. 1856. Über die systematische stellung der gattung Mormops Leach und über die classification der Phyllostomata so wie über eine der gattungen Vampyrus, von welcher hier ein kurzer berich gegeben wird. Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1856: 409-415. Königliches akademie der Wissenscheften. Berlín, Alemania.
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  1225. Webster, W. D. & Jones, J. K., Jr. 1982. A new subspecies of Glossophaga commissarisi (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from western Mexico. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. 76: 1-6.
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  1227. Pallas, P. S. 1766. Miscellanea zoologica quibus novae imprimis atque obscurae animalium species describuntur et observationibus iconibusque illustrantur. Petrum van Cleef, Hague Comitum, The Nederlands. 224 pp.
  1228. Flower, W. H. & Lydekker, R. 1891. An introduction to the study of mammals living and extinct. Adams and Charles Black, Londres. 763 pp.
  1229. Martínez, L. & Villa-Ramírez, B. 1940. Segunda contribución al conocimiento de los murciélagos mexicanos. II. Estado de Guerrero. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 11: 291-361.
  1230. Miller, G. S. Jr. 1900. Key to the land mammals of northeastern North America. 8. New York State Museum. 59-160 pp.
  1231. Thomas, O. 1903. Two new glossophagine bats from Central America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 7(11): 286-28.
  1232. Thomas, O. 1928. A new genus and species of glossophagine bats, with a subdivision of the genus Choeronycteris. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 10(1): 120-123.
  1233. Thomas, O. 1895. On small mammals from Nicaragua and Bogota. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 6(16): 55-60.
  1234. Baker, R. J., Solari, S. & Hoffmann, F. G. 2002. A new Central American species from the Carollia brevicauda complex. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. 217: 1-12.
  1235. Thomas, O. 1896. On new small mammal from the Neotropical Region. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 6(18): 301-314.
  1236. Peters, W. C. H. 1860. Eine neue gattung von flederthieren, Chiroderma villosum, aus Brasilien vor. Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1860: 747-754. Königliches akademie der Wissenscheften. Berlín, Alemania.
  1237. Peters, W. C. H. 1865. Über die Brasilianschen, von Spix beschriebenen Fledethiere. Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1865: 568-588. Königliches akademie der Wissenscheften. Berlín, Alemania.
  1238. Thomas, O. 1900. Descriptions of new Neotropical mammals. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 7(5): 269-276.
  1239. Thomas, O. 1889. Description of a new stenodermatous bat from Trinidad. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 6(4): 167-170.
  1240. Thomas, O. 1893. Further notes on the genus Chiroderma. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 6(11): 186-187.
  1241. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, É. 1805. Mèmoire sur quelques chauve-souris d'Amérique formant une petite famille sous le nom Molossus. Annals du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. 6: 150-156.
  1242. Miller, G. S. Jr. 1900. A new free-tailed bat from Central America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 7(6:) 470-471.
  1243. Merriam, C. H. 1890. Description of a new species of Molossus from California (Molossus californicus). North American Fauna. 4: 31-32.
  1244. Thomas, O. 1915. On bats of the genus Promops. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 8(16): 61-64.
  1245. Horácek, I. & Hanák, V. 1986. Generic status of Pipistrellus savii and comments on classification of the genus Pipistrellus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). Myotis. 23-24: 9-16.
  1246. Baker, R. H. 1954. A new bat (genus Pipistrellus) from northeastern Mexico. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. 7: 583-586.
  1247. Allen, H. 1862. Description of two new species of Vespertilionidae and some remarks on the genus Antrozous. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 14: 246-248.
  1248. Le Conte, J. L. 1855. Observations on the North American species of bats. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 7: 431-438.
  1249. Thomas, O. 1892. Description of a new Mexican bat. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 6(10): 477-478.
  1250. Allen, H. 1866. Notes on the Vespertilionidae of tropical America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 18: 279-288.
  1251. Baker, R. J. 1984. A sympatric cryptic species of mammal: A new species of Rhogeessa (Chiroptera:Vespertilionidae). Systematic Zoology. 33: 178-183.
  1252. Gray, J. E. 1832. Descriptions of some new genera and species of bats. Zoological Miscellany. 1: 37-38.
  1253. Lesson, R. P. & Garnot, P. 1826. Mammifères nouveaux ou peu connus, décrits et figures dans l'Atlas Zoologique du voyage autor du monde de la corvette "La Coquille". Bulletin des Sciences Naturalles et de Géologie. 8: 95-96.
  1254. Peters, W. C. H. 1871. "22 December gesammtstzung der Akademie... eine monographische überscht der chiropterengattungen Nycteris und Atalapha". Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1871: 900-914. Königliches akademie der Wissenscheften. Berlín, Alemania.
  1255. Baker, R. J., Patton, J. C., Genoways, H. H. & Bickham, J. W. 1988. Genic studies of Lasiurus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. 117: 1-15.
  1256. Müller, P. L. S. 1776. Geschlecht, fladermäuse. Des ritters Carl von Linné. 14-20 pp. Supplemt.
  1257. Palisot de Beauvois, A. 1796. Catalogue raionné du Muséum de Mr. C. W. Peale, Philadelphia.
  1258. Gervais, M. P. 1856. Mammifères. Expédition dans les parties centrales de L'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, er de Liama au Para; éxecutée par ordre du gouvernment Français pendant les annees 1843 a 1847, sous la direction du Comte Francis de Castelnau. In: de Castlenau, F. (Ed.). Septième Partie. Zoologie. Tome Premier. Deuxième Mémoire. Paris. 1-116 pp.
  1259. Thomas, O. 1901. New Neotropical mammals with a note on the species of Reithrodon. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 7(8): 246-255.
  1260. Thomas, O. 1897. Descriptions of new bats and rodents from America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 6(20): 544-553.
  1261. Allen, H. 1865. On a new genus of Vespertilionidae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 17(4): 173-175.
  1262. Cooper, W. 1837. On two species of Plecotus inhabiting the United States Territory. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. 4: 71-75.
  1263. Allen, H. 1892. A new genus of Vespertilionidae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 43: 467-470.
  1264. Allen, J. A. 1891. Description of a new species of big-eared bat, of the genus Histiotus, from southern California. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 3: 195-198.
  1265. Peters, W. C. H. 1866. Las über einige weniger bekante flederthiere (Phyllostoma brachyotum, Coelops, Furia, Lasionycteris). Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1866: 641-648. Königliches akademie der Wissenscheften. Berlín, Alemania.
  1266. Le Conte, J. L. 1831. The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization, by the Baron Cuvier. In: McMurtrie, H. (Ed.). G. y C. y H. Carvill. New York. 1- 532 pp.
  1267. Rafinesque, C. S. 1819. Prodome de soixante-dix-nouveaux genres d'animaux découverts dans l'intérieur des États-Unids d'Amérique, durant l'année 1818. Journal de Physics, Chimical, History Natural, et des Arts. 88: 417-429.
  1268. Young, R. T. 1908. Notes on the distribution of Colorado mammals with a description of a new species of bat (Eptesicus pallidus) from Boulder. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 60: 403-409.
  1269. Kaup, J. J. 1829. Skizzirte Entwickelungs-Geschichte und natürliches System der Europäischen Thierwelt. 1.
  1270. Miller, G. S. Jr. & Allen, G. M. 1928. The American bats of the genera Myotis and Pizonyx. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 144. Estados Unidos. 218 p.
  1271. Miller, G. S. Jr. 1898. Description of a new bat from Lower California. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 7(2): 124-125.
  1272. Menegaux, M. A. 1901. Description d'une variete et d'une espece nouvelles de chiropteres raportees du Mexique par M. Diguet. Bulletin du Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle. 1(7): 321-323.
  1273. Rhoads, S. H. 1893. Geographic variation in Bassariscus astutus, with description of a new subspecies. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 45(3): 413-418.
  1274. Wied-Neuwied, M. A. P. Prinz Von. 1820. Reise nach Brasilien in den Jahren 1815 bis 1817. In: Frankfurt am Main: Heinrich Ludwig Brönner (Ed.). 1. Alemania. 1-380 pp.
  1275. D'Orbigny, A. & Gervais, P. 1847. Mammifères. Voyage dans l'Amerique méridionale (le Brésil, la Repúblique Orientale de l'Uruguay, la Repúblique Argentine, la Patagonie, la Repúblique du Chili, la Repúblique de Bolivia, la Repúblique du Pérou) executé pendant les années 1826-1833. In: dÓrbigny, A. (Ed.). 4(2): 13, 1847.
  1276. Allen, J. A. & Chapman, F. M. 1897. On a second collection of mammals from the island of Trinidad, with descriptions of a new species, and a note on some mammals from the island of Dominica, W. I. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 9: 13-30.
  1277. Thomas, O. 1901. New Myotis, Artibeus, Sylvilagus, and Metachirus from Central and South America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 7(7): 541-545.
  1278. Thomas, O. 1913. New forms of Akodon and Phyllotis, and a new genus for "Akodon" teguina. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 8(11): 404-409.
  1279. Bangs, O. 1900. List of mammals collected in the Santa Maria region of Colombia by W. W. Brown, Jr. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club. 1: 87-102.
  1280. Thomas, O. 1898. On indigenous Muridae in the West Indies; with the description of a new Mexican Oryzomys. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 7(1): 176-180.
  1281. Harlan, R. 1837. Description of a new species of quadruped of the order Rodentia, inhabiting the United States. American Journal of Science. 31: 385-386.
  1282. Thomas, O. 1906. A third genus of the Ichthyomys group. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 7(17): 421-423.
  1283. Peters, W. C. H. 1866. Über neue order ungenügend bekannte flederthiere (Vampyrops, Uroderma, Chiroderma, Ametrida, Tylostoma, Vespertilio, Vesperugo) und Nager (Tylomys, Lasiomys). Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1866: 392-411. Königliches akademie der Wissenscheften. Berlín, Alemania.
  1284. Baird, S. F. 1852. Mammals. Exploration and survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including reconnaissance of a new route through the Rocky Mountains. In: Stansbury, H. (Eds.). Lippincott, Grambo and Co. Philadelphia. 309-313 pp.
  1285. Williams, S. L. 1982. Phalli of recent genera and species of the Family Geomyidae (Mammalia: Rodentia). Bulletin of Carnegie Museum. 20: 1-62.
  1286. Thomas, O. 1893. On some of the larger species of Geomys. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 6(12): 269-273.
  1287. Thomas, O. 1892. Diagnosis of a new Mexican Geomys. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 6(10): 196-197.
  1288. Desmastes, J. W., Butt, A. L., Hafner, M. S. & Light, J. S. 2003. Systematics of a rare species of pocket gopher, Pappogeomys alcorni. Journal of Mammalogy. 84: 753-761.
  1289. Thomas, O. 1894. On two new neotropical mammals. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 6(13): 436-439.
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  1690. Stuart, L. C. 1954. Descriptions of some new amphibians and reptiles from Guatemala. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 67: 159-178.
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  1703. Hillis, D. M. & Frost, J. S. 1985. Three new species of leopard frogs (Rana pipiens complex) from the Mexican Plateau. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural History, The University of Kansas. 117: 1-14. University of Kansas, E.U.
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  1712. Hanken, J. & Wake, D. B. 1994. Five new species of minute salamanders, genus Thorius (Caudata: Plethodontidae), from northern Oaxaca, Mexico. Copeia. 1994: 573-590.
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  1714. Hanken, J. & Wake, D. B. 1998. Biology of tiny animals: Systematics of the minute salamanders (Thorius: Plethodontidae) from Veracruz and Puebla, México, with descriptions of five new species. Copeia. 1998: 312-345.
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  1722. Pérez-Ramos, E. & Saldaña de la Riva, L. 2003. Nueva especie de salamandra del género Pseudoeurycea (Amphibia: Caudata: Plethodontidae) de la región Amuzga, al sureste de Guerrero, México. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie). 89: 55-68.
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